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Planet X: Distance, Speed, thus SIZE

The Zetas have stated that Planet X starts its approach from a dither
between its two foci some 9 Sun-Pluto distances away, picking up speed
at an exponential rate. Robert has computed the distances.

    [Planet X] is circling on a long elliptical orbit around
    the sun and its dead companion which lies at a distance
    some 18.724 times the length from the sun to Pluto. ...
    when the passage is due in 2003, there is an exponential
    increase in speed during the last years ...
        ZetaTalk™: in Distance

    Weeks   Px        Dist in    Dist in
    to go   Date      S-P Unit   B. mls.
    52      5/7/02    7.593147   27.904
    39      8/7/02    6.68259    24.558
    26      11/7/02   5.2965     19.464
    13      2/7/03    3.1865     11.71
     9.7    3/2/03    2.494       9.1665
     5      4/2/03    1.37176     5.0412
     3      4/16/03   0.83987     3.0865
     2      4/23/03   0.5607      2.060
     1      4/30/03   0.33093     1.216
        Table of Distances, by Robert

Based on this information, the speed of Planet X at any given point can
be computed.  Jim has computed the speed. Note that where its speed, per
the Zetas, is several times slower than the speed of light, it is
considered improbably by human astrophysics, as is its odd orbit.

    We have stated that the planet increases speed
    exponentially, on approach. ... it also has points
    where it slows. Thus, taking off from the mid-point,
    the dither point, is faster than the human chart
    anticipates. The approach, to the edge of the solar
    system, is thus faster than expected. ... Thus, the
    brakes come on about 7 weeks ahead of the shift,
    when it enters the outer solar system edges.
        ZetaTalk™: Fall 2002

    The speed of Planet X is suffient to move it from
    one side of Saturn's orbit to the other in 3 short months.
        ZetaTalk™: Slowing Influences

    The Zetas have said Planet X will transverse
    from one side of Saturn's orbit to the other
    in 3 short months. 818,342 mph!

Planet X is 4 times the size of Earth, in diameter, but is also
surrounded by a dust cloud and is trailed by a swirl of moons. The Zetas
have stated that at passage, Planet X and its complement of dust swirl
and moons will appear in the sky to be about as large as our Moon. Based
on this information, the apparent size of the Planet X complex at any
given point can be computed. Jim has computed the size.

    Thus, the moons of Planet X, remain in a dance behind
    Planet X... This swirl, unique to man in any comets
    or planets it observes, is what caused the ancients
    to call the passing monster, red in the sky because
    of its illuminated red dust cloud, a dragon,
    lashing its tail, the swirl of moons.
        ZetaTalk™: Swirling Moons

    To those viewing the passage, the passing planet
    seems to be a red cross, not larger than the Moon,
    and drifting slowly.
        ZetaTalk™: Hour of the Shift

    Assuming the viewable swirl of red dust and moon
    being 4 times the Planet X body size, the swirl
    would be, on Sep 15, 2002:
        3% the size of Jupiter
        33% the size of Uranus
        15 times the size of Pluto
            Computed Size, by Jim