Subj : Vacuum Sucks! JM>I was looking for a low-tech manually operated device though... JM> JW> A water column could make a low level one as well. JM>By connecting a sealed column and lifting the container? Yeah, or drop the hose. Fill the container & a long, air-tight hose with water. Hold the container so that th water can all drain out the hose. Then, while keeping a J-bend at the bottom (to make sure no air bubbles in) lower the hose (over 33 feet will do) until no more water comes out the J-bend. Note that the water in the column will tend to "bounce," so the greater the vacuum you seek, the deeper the short side of the J-bend should be. The colder the water is, the harder the vacuum you can create (0.03 atmospheres for room temperature, 0.007 for nearly freezing). I suspect your garden-variety hose will leak or collapse long before you can get it that low.