Planet X Glow: Zetas RIGHT Again!
The Zetas descibed Planet X, at the very start of ZetaTalk in 1995, to
be emitting light from its deep ocean rifts, and to have more water than
land surface. As written at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995.
The light is diffused in the atmosphere, and returns
to the land surface, but emerges from the core to
interact with the atmosphere only via the surface of
the deep oceans, which cover the majority of the
planet's surface. ... Light only escapes the core where
what is essentially volcanic activity under the water
occurs. Of course, this would occur if there was
volcanic activity on the land surface of the planet,
but there is little land surface, and this long ago
hardened. Volcanic activity would not be on the
surface of the Earth, either, should her proportion of
water to land be increased. Water is pooling in the
low spots, and the low spots have less hardened
surface mantle as a barrier. Thin places break, and
give release to the pressure from the churning molten
core. The oceans of [Planet X], therefore, have places
where diffused light is rising.
ZetaTalk™: [Planet X] Glow
In recent closeup photos of the Planet X corpus, taken in both Germany
and France, DARK areas, the land mass where light is NOT emitting, are
smaller in area than the light emitting areas, the oceans. BOTH photos
show the same complex!
Since a bit of time I am tracking this forum (.....), I found that
via an astronomical-forum. at first I was skeptic to the
PX-theme. Thus I decided to try to find them in space. I
own a 8" (20cm) reflector-telescope, with which this
should be possible. Since some days here in
north-Germany we have fine weather, sky's clear but
pretty thick fog soup sometimes. Yesterday (28.03) a
light, foggy object hit my eye. First I thought a galaxy
or comet - but my starmap-programme didn't showed me
in anything in this area. I wondered if this could be PX
in fact some people argued to see it with eye's only. I
pulled my webcam and adapted it to my scope and got
a AVI-movie with 900 pictures. I added those pictures
with astrostack together (summary process to increase
brightness and contrast) finally removed with
Corel-Photopaint the noise. The picture below is the
result. What are you guessing? I can't believe this is
PX but I found no other coincedence. Will look next
days again.
Germany 900 AVI Pic Summary, Mar 31, 2003
I put into the [tt-watch] photo directory a picture taken
last friday in France, near Aldebaran. The presumed
Planet X complex is circled, and quite visible. The
only thing I can say is that I fully trust the person
(Stephane) who took the picture, and that for me it
is the first proof.
The specs are:
- site : St-Sulpice-le-Guéretois 23 (ses environs)
- numerical camera SONY F717
- zoom 20x
- aperture 2.4
- time delay : 5 s (pour ce cliché)
- resolution : 2560x1920
- coding : TIF
- volume : 14403 Ko
France, Apr 7, 2003
Zetas RIGHT Again!