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Re: Planetary System Similar to Sol Discovered

In Article <> George Dishman wrote:
> There is also the possibility that, if the window was say
> due to ambient temperature, although it may have been
> be narrow on Earth, another planet with a slightly
> different temperature might be in the critical zone for
> much longer. The same goes for any other critical
> parameter. Unless we could show there was some
> universal sequence of events in the development of
> planets that forced a narrow window, there is no reason
> to assume one.

And then there are the silicone based worlds, or where life evolves are
very hot suns, or very dim ones.  Our life has evolved on OUR Earth, so
we assume that all live everywhere requires OUR specifications?  Pretty
arrogant of us! Some existing ZetaTalk from the Density section of
ZetaTalk. Note, 3rd Density = Kindergarden, where we're at presently.

    On a world by world basis there are about 1,000 dead worlds
    for every one that holds life. Humans are familiar enough with
    their surroundings to understand conditions on other planets,
    and if anything, would be surprised at the percentage capable of
    life. Not every life bearing planet sustains life that can develop
    to the level required for conscious and intelligent thought.
    There are about 2,500 primordial worlds for every one that can
    support an intelligent species. Your Earth, for instance, had
    many such species with this potential. Of these worlds that hold
    3rd Density intelligent species, the vast majority, perhaps
    75%, are water babies, as the vast majority of habitable planets
    are essentially water planets. These species may be crablike,
    fishlike, squidlike, or formed like almost any of your ocean
    inhabitants - an almost infinite variety.

    Of the worlds that sustain land dwelling intelligent species, the
    greater share, just under 60%, are reptilian. Reptilian life forms
    appear first, and thus better their percentages. A minority are
    mammalian, above 10%, but whenever these life forms are a
    candidate they beat out all other candidates as mammalian
    existence is highly interactive and thus a good spiritual
    schoolyard for forming entities. The remaining land dwelling
    3rd Density species range between birdlike or insect types, the
    latter more prevalent at about 30%.
        ZetaTalkā„¢, Percentages