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Article: <5hgm5h$4ev@dfw-ixnews10.ix.netcom.com>
From: saquo@ix.netcom.com(Nancy )
Subject: Re: 12th Planet - any photos ?
Date: 28 Mar 1997 14:55:45 GMT
In article: <5h1487$am4$1@news.ccit.arizona.edu> Jim Scotti writes:
> you could never quite understand math and science and you
> got bad grades.
> jscotti@LPL.Arizona.EDU (Jim Scotti)
Actually, I never got anything less than a B, taking quantum mechanics, physics, chemistry, algebra, trig, calculus, etc. That was 40 years ago and I haven't used the math since. I was an honor student at all times and received a National Merit Scholarship offer. I also took 2 years of latin 40 years ago, but wouldn't be able to converse in THAT effectively now either.
In article: <5h1487$am4$1@news.ccit.arizona.edu> Jim Scotti writes:
>>> Yup, the force of gravity acts on the comet directly on a line
>>> between it and the sun, but the comets momentum carries it
>>> around the sun.
>>> jscotti@LPL.Arizona.EDU (Jim Scotti)
>> If the comet moves in a straight line unless a force is applied,
>> WHAT is that force? Inertia carries if FORWARD, not sideways.
>> ZetaTalk[TM]
> What I said is accurate and describes the motion of objects in
> a gravitational field quite nicely. There are no contradictory
> laws here - the physics and mathematics of this problem are
> quite well understood - except, of course, by you. As I said
> before, the force is Gravity.
> jscotti@LPL.Arizona.EDU (Jim Scotti)
(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
Gravity makes the comes move OTHER than directly toward the Sun. Not a direct line but
one that is at a 90 degree angle to the Sun? You can't reconcile your laws here, the same
laws you teach your young! Shame on you for failing to admit this! Instead you throw
insults, trying to cover this.
1. | Your laws of gravity state that the attracted body moves toward the attractor DIRECTLY, with a reverse square degree of force. Therefore, the exiting comet should respond to the force of gravity by moving directly back toward the Sun. If you say that the comet moves sideways due to the force of gravity you are CONTRADICTING your law of gravity. |
2. | You laws of motion state that motion is in a straight line UNLESS there is a perturbing force. The comet is heading out of the Solar System, and in the long stretch on what you assume to be an ellipse, is almost in a straight line. Why would it develop a curve? If you say that the curve is always there and doesn't go away you are CONTRADICTING your law of motion. |
3. | If you say the comet can make the curve, way out in space, because the outbound motion has diminished but the curve motion has not, we would point out that the comet LOSES ITS CURVE as it is exiting your Solar System! The trend it NOT for the curve to be retained, as it is rapidly lost, quite outside of a one-to-one relationship with the speed of motion lost too. |
4. | Placing the comet on what you assume to be a long period ellipse, at the end of what you assume to be the far side of the ellipse, WHAT is the force that causes it to move from one side of the ellipse to another, the tight curve out in space? Gravity? That's a directly line to the Sun. Motion? Its a straight line unless another force is applied. Perturbation? What object perturbs it outside of the Solar System? |
Put that altogether, without resorting to distractions such as insults. If you FAIL to do that,
Jim, you've confirmed our statement that your laws are in contradiction to each other!
(End ZetaTalk[TM])