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Article: <5fhjv1$91d@dfw-ixnews7.ix.netcom.com>
From: saquo@ix.netcom.com(Nancy )
Subject: Re: IN SYMPATHY to the Hale-Bopp Cooperative
Date: 4 Mar 1997 16:51:45 GMT
Article: <5ffv5k$be@news.Hawaii.Edu>
>>>> Fine, now since you claim that the Orbital
Elements are
>>>> changed as a result of OBSERVATIONS, please tell
>>>> what observation caused the eccentricity of the
>>>> Hale-Bopp to change from
>>>> 0.995038361 on May 28, '96 to
>>>> 0.995072729 on June 27, '96, as announced by
>>> All the observations have been published in the
Minor Planet
>>> Circulars, Nancy. ... There are over 1,900
>>> observations by now, including some made between May
>>> and June 27.
>>> tholen@galileo.ifa.hawaii.edu
>> In other words, you CAN'T DEFEND IT.
> In other words, I just did defend it.
> tholen@galileo.ifa.hawaii.edu
What you did was dump a mountain of detail on the issue, and in particular, detail that is NOT available to the average person without registering at the IAU to get their circulars, etc. The issue of a tightened eccentricity at the time when the orbit of Hale-Bopp was SIMULTANEOUSLY being given a leap away from Jupiter of 3 arc minutes, which would give Hale-Bopp a WIDENED, not tightened eccentricity, is one that you wish to just go away BECAUSE IT PROVES THAT JPL HAS BEEN MANIPULATING THE ORBIT TO PLACE HB WHERE THEY WANT IT and that a real object has not been tracked! If you assert this is an untrue statement, then come back with something other than a dump truck of tacks and rubber bands and paper clips and shredded paper.
In article: <5ffv5k$be@news.Hawaii.Edu
>> 2. the LEAP AWAY FROM JUPITER that Yeoman posted,
>> some 3 arc minutes AWAY from Jupiter at Dec -22 and
>> toward the ecliptic plane for the very same day of May
>> 1996, from Dec -15 to Dec -12, all based on observations
>> per Yeomans,
> The comet didn't leap away from Jupiter at any time.
> tholen@galileo.ifa.hawaii.edu
Then explain why Don Yeomans SAID it did, per his posted Orbital Elements. During May-June of 1996, Hale-Bopp was heading up toward the 0 degree point on the RA and Dec scale, and Jupiter was at Dec -22, also SOUTH. On May 28, 1995, as a result of "observations" as late as May 25, Yeomans stated Hale-Bopp was to be at Dec -15 on May 28. On June 27, as a result of "observations" made as late as June 23, he said it had been at Dec -12 on May 28. He observed Hale-Bopp leaping AWAY from Jupiter during that month, 3 arc minutes further up toward the 0 degree point on RA and Dec? Dec -15 was closer to Jupiter than Dec -12, a LEAP AWAY FROM JUPITER!
Please address THAT, and not some trivial issue. That's avoidance, and just proves you don't have an explaination.