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Article: <5fagh9$8em@sjx-ixn3.ix.netcom.com>
From: saquo@ix.netcom.com(Nancy )
Subject: Re: IN SYMPATHY to the Hale-Bopp Cooperative
Date: 2 Mar 1997 00:10:17 GMT
In article <5f7ntn$grq@news.ccit.arizona.edu> Jim Scotti
>> One need only look at the official Orbital Elements
>> at various dates to see the changes. Our emissary,
Nancy, has
>> those documents on the web, available as links off:
>> http://www.zetatalk.com/theword/tword900.htm
>> ZetaTalk[TM]
> Yes in fact all the elements have changed over time as we
> get new observations of HB which allow the orbit to be
> improved.
> jscotti@LPL.Arizona.EDU (Jim Scotti)
(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
Find, now since you claim that the Orbital Elements are changed
as a result of OBSERVATIONS, please tell us what observation
caused the eccentricity of the mythical Hale-Bopp to change from
0.995038361 on May 28, '96 to
0.995072729 on June 27, '96,
as announced by JPL. Lest you say this was due to perturbations upon the recent passage of Jupiter, where as we have been stating the posted observations of Hale-Bopp had it leaping AWAY from Jupiter upon passage of that giant, other than the fact that this adjustment moved the mythical Hale-Bopp closer to an occultation with Gamma Andromedae, there would be no effect on the ellipse of a passing comet that would TIGHTEN THE LOOP AND THUS NARROW THE ELLIPSE.
This would send such a comet out of the Solar System in an
entirely different place than announced, and thus radically
affect any reentry point, according to your vaunted comet
ephemerides. It would also radically affect any period for an
comet, as a more narrow ellipse would have a shortened length!
Yet everyone kept parroting the same pronounced 4,200 year
period, as though a tape were being played, which was more than
likely the case. We, the Zetas, noting the real reason for this
change, had our emissary, Nancy, record this at the time, as NO
one else was noticing! Such is the case when the Sheep are
allowing themselves to be led by their Shepherds, with blind
trust. The facts are all there, it's just that no one has been
bothering to LOOK at them.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])
Don Yeomans - JPL
May 28, 1996
Additional observations through May 25, 1996, provided by the Minor Planet Center, have been used to update the orbit, ephemeris, and error analysis.
Object: Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) Ref. Solution: 32 Planetary Ephemeris: DE403 No. Observations: 936 Observation Arc: 1993 Apr 27 - 1996 May 25 Residual Summary RA Dec Total Mean .005 .003 .005 RMS, unweighted .667 .845 .761 Corrected Elements (J2000): Solution 32 Epoch 2450520.50000 = 1997 Mar 13.00000 Post-Fit Std.Dev. e 0.995038361 .000005177 q 0.914119479 .000009551 Tp 2450539.6668732 .0031738483 1997 Apr 1.16687 Node 282.4709323 .0000289 w 130.5943673 .0003987 i 89.4283468 .0002580
Orbit and Ephemeris Information for Comet 1995 O1
Don Yeomans - JPL
June 27, 1996
Additional observations through June 23, 1996 have been used to update the orbit, ephemeris, and error analysis.
Object: Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) JPL Ref. Solution: 35 Planetary Ephemeris: DE403 No. Observations: 1008 Observation Arc: 1995 Jul 24 - 1996 Jun 23 Residual Summary RA Dec Total Mean .017 -.002 .017 RMS, unweighted .679 .880 .786 Corrected Elements (J2000): Solution 35 Epoch 2450520.50000 = 1997 Mar 13.00000 Post-Fit Std.Dev. e .995072729 .000004475 q .914084667 .000007855 Tp 2450539.6399555 .0023588 1997 Apr 1.13996 Node 282.4707037 .0000174 w 130.5927430 .0003436 I 89.4299101 .0001570