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Article: <5enpe6$19n@sjx-ixn6.ix.netcom.com>
From: saquo@ix.netcom.com(Nancy )
Subject: Re: IN SYMPATHY to the Hale-Bopp Cooperative
Date: 22 Feb 1997 21:45:42 GMT
This debate has been cross-posted to sci.astro.amateur, sci.astro.planetarium, sci.space.news, and alt.paranormal as CNN did not choose to list sci.astro among the Usenet sites where information on Hale-Bopp could be located. Check
for the sci.astro debate thread history.
In article <5elgn5$af6@news.ccit.arizona.edu>
>> (Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
>> We wish to ask Jim Scotti, ...
>> Given a hypothetical situation where:
>> 1. INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES within the government,
>> who had enlisted various astronomers and gained their
>> promise of cooperation in the form of a security oath,
had in
>> essence a captive group of cooperatives
> I would have answered this earlier, but I had some work to
> this week. .. I for one am definitely NOT affiliated in any
> with any intelligence agency.
> jscotti@LPL.Arizona.EDU (Jim Scotti)
Besides, Jim, you had to take the time to check on what you'd be allowed to say, security clearance wise!
(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
Those outside of direct employment by the US government, who are
recruited to work WITH intelligence agencies such as the NSA or
FBI or CIA, do not advertise their security clearance status. In
most cases this is because the REASON for the recruitment in and
of itself is to remain a secret! Do you suppose the need for
delaying images taken by the Hubble and delaying images received
from probes is all due to administrative headaches at NASA? Prior
to spontaneous comments by astronauts stepping out onto the Moon
and stating that man was not the FIRST, such instant access WAS
given to the public. In fact, the delay, and the heat NASA takes
on this, takes up more administrative time than simply spooling
off a copy of the image to the public as it is received.
Hale-Bopp is clearly marked as an issue where NASA is editing
what the public sees, as can be seen in their decision to give
ALL Hubble images to a single man who is holding them back for a
year. When the public gets them, a year later, how can the public
determine that what they have been given has not been doctored?
How much doctoring and editing can occur in a year?
(End ZetaTalk[TM])