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Article: <5cmnbl$4jk@sjx-ixn7.ix.netcom.com>
From: saquo@ix.netcom.com(Nancy )
Subject: Re: GRAVITY - the Zetas Explain
Date: 29 Jan 1997 05:31:33 GMT
In article <5chjq0$o5h@pollux.cmc.doe.ca> Greg Neill
>Greg Neill (ynecgan@cmc.doe.ca) wrote:
>> Nancy (saquo@ix.netcom.com) wrote:
>>> In article
>>>> Richard Townsend states:
>>>> 3/r^3 = 2/r^2,
>>>> Richard Townsend <rhdt@star.ucl.ac.uk>
>>> (Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
>>> You're not expressing an equal gravity and repulsion
>>> here. Are 3 and 2 equal distances apart? Try that
>>> as 3/r^3 = 3/r^2. Does this represent what we said,
that the
>>> forces would be equal at a certain point when large
>>> approach each other?
>>> (End ZetaTalk[TM])
>> Tut tut, Nancy. You're understanding of math is
deficient. In
>> Mr. Townsend's example, when r = 1 the equation balances
>> the field strengths are equal. At other distances they
would be
>> unequal.
> Pardon me for following up my own post, but I wish to
correct a
> small error I just realized I had made. In Mr. Townsend's
> example, the equations balance when r = 3/2, and it is in
> example where they would balance at r = 1.
> ynecgan@cmc.doe.ca (Greg Neill)
I'm personally hopelessly lost here, as I'm not sure what the 3 and 2 on the top are supposed to represent, even though this has been explained as a "field strength". Does r=distance then? Anyway, I may be confused, but the Zetas want to speak to this. This is their gig anyway.
(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
NEITHER interpretation represents the repulsion force, as we have
been repeatedly stating! Stop fussing about with an erroneous
equation and come up with a second try! Come now, are you unable
to attempt this? Here's the specifications. The repulsion force
is not as strong as the force of gravity at long distances, but
has a faster upward curve than gravity upon approach. At a
certain distance apart the repulsion force and force of gravity
EQUAL, and there the planets stall, suspended at this distance
from each other. At this point
Here's a big clue. The planets are staying the distance away
from the Sun that they do, BECAUSE of the repulsion force,
primarily. To some degree they are taking each other into
consideration, but their attraction to the Sun is the
overwhelming influence in why they are where they are in their
orbits. You've estimated the mass of the Sun. You've estimated
the mass of the planets. You may not be on target in these
estimates, but they'll give you a basis for toying around with
this matter. Won't you try?
(End ZetaTalk[TM])