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Article: <5cmn7j$fkc@dfw-ixnews9.ix.netcom.com>
From: saquo@ix.netcom.com(Nancy )
Subject: Re: HALE-BOPP vs 12TH PLANET - the Zetas Explain
Date: 29 Jan 1997 05:29:23 GMT
In article <32ebb365.9808766@news.telusplanet.net> Glen
Scurr writes:
> John Holladay <JNH@msg.ti.com> wrote:
>> Sitchen said (I think it read it in this or the Nostro
>> that the 12th planet will be here around 2012.
> And then they'll have a whole herd of other things that will
> happen in 2020 or 2030 or whatever. What of all the stuff
> that was supposed to happen now or in the recent past? Like,
> during the harmonic convergence of a few years ago? It comes
> and goes, nothing happens, we get a few months rest and then
> the end of the world predictions start up again.
> scurrg@agt.net (Glen Scurr)
Just to reiterate, that wasn't ZetaTalk. ZetaTalk has been around in 1995 and 1996, having started within Michael Lindemann's ISCNI on January 19, 1995. The Zetas have steadfastly said late spring/early summer 2003. They didn't say Photon Belt, the didn't say Mayan Calendar, they didn't say harmonic convergence (whatever that is).
Rather, the Zeta track record has been almost 100% on target, with the only failure that the Hale-Bopp conspirators failed to report their fraud had fragmented, so as to get out of the fix they'd put themselves in. They kept their fraud alive so as to spite the Zetas. They may STILL take the fragmentation route, but I believe they'll limp thought muttering that its just a disappointment, no tail whatsoever or tiny tail pointing in the wrong direction or whatever, when it had been touted to be a blaze across the sky, for sure.
The Zetas said in mid-1995 that sightings would increase, and we've had mass sightings in Australia, Canada, Israel, and Europe. They said in mid-1995 that the weather would get really extreme, increasingly be drought or deluge with atypical warm and cold spells, difficult to predict, and the year following that statement of theirs, that's been the trend, right on target on all fronts. They said the alien autopsy tape was a fraud and would be found to be so, when all others were crowing that it was real, and then months later MUFON came out with their offical analysis, demonstrating in dozens of ways what the Zetas said right off, that it was solidly a fraud. They said deformed frogs would soon be found worldwide, not just in the midwest, and a month after that was posted here came England in the papers, reporting deformed frogs.
The Zetas pointed out right off the bat, on August 6, 1995, that the thing NASA and JPL were calling Hale-Bopp was a nova, and by the end of 1995 the Hubble stopped taking pictures of the "comet" that was supposedly outgassing out past Jupiter because the nova DIED. Isn't that how a nova being called a "comet" would unfold? And now we have to take David Knisley's word for it as whatever is in the place in the sky where the orbit has been placed doesn't look like a comet or has a tail pointing in the wrong direction or doesn't appear to be outgassing at all now that it's close to the Sun.
Below, what the Zetas have said about the Mayan Calendar and the Photon Belt. Just to go on record that the above is NOT from ZetaTalk.
(Begin ZetaTalk[TM] on Mayan Calendar)
ZetaTalk: Mayan Calendar
The Mayan calendar is not so much incorrect as misunderstood.
The calendar is derived from calendars and plotting methods left
behind by the hominoid visitors from the 12th Planet. There are
and were many calendars in operation, the western calendar of 365
days with an occasional leap year is only one such method. Dates,
when plotted according to one calendar method, do not always line
up exactly when translated to another calendar. However, the
primary difficulty in interpreting the Mayan calendar is
determining the correct starting point. One may be accurate in
calculating the number of days, months, and years between events,
but unless the starting point is precisely known, the end point
is questionable. Thus there are various interpretations on when
the Mayan calendar ends, albeit this rather obviously coincides
with the coming millennium. We have given the correct dates for
the return of the 12th Planet as the year 2003 for the
devastating first pass. All other dates are incorrect.
(End ZetaTalk[TM] on Mayan Calendar)
All rights reserved: ZetaTalk@ZetaTalk.com
(Begin ZetaTalk[TM] on Photon Belt)
ZetaTalk: Photon Belt
Regarding the issue of avoiding the cataclysms. This is often brought up in channeled work. Change your ways, repent, and the future will be different. Catastrophe will be avoided. It's up to you. Is this incorrect? Yes and no. Let us explain.
The Earth, at close to 5 billion people, is approximately 25% Service-to-Other orientation, 7% Service-to-Self orientation, and 68% undecided. These percentages move about a bit. For the Earth to move into 4th Density, the greater part of the populace must be Service-to-Other. We are not talking 51% here, but closer to 89%. During a gradual transformation, this is accomplished by replacement during natural death and birth. The entities incarnating are Service-to-Other, and at a certain point, the planet is ready. Because the Earth undergoes cataclysms, pole shifts, this is taken into consideration by the administrators of your section of the Universe. The Transformation will occur more rapidly.
So why would it be said that the cataclysm can be avoided by behavior changes among humans? If the Earth were to achieve approximately 89% Service-to-Other orientation, prior to the cataclysm, the Earth would move into 4th Density prior to the reappearance of the giant red comet, the 12th Planet. In 4th Density, the giant comet does not have the magnetic pull that it does in 3rd Density. The effects are lessened, though the general occurrences are the same. Where traumatic, the earthquakes are no greater than experienced today, and the tidal waves no greater than what would be experienced during a hurricane. The reason for the lessened effect is the lighter density. Greater mass has greater gravitational pull.
Some of our brothers, the Pleiadeans and Sirians, have stated
that the Earth will enter a Photon Belt soon, at an indeterminate
time in the future. Why would this time be indeterminate? Do they
not know the location of the Photon Belt, the rate of movement?
This time is given as indeterminate because entry into the Photon
Belt is not determined by the measurable movements of the planets
and the motions of the galaxies. The entry into the Photon Belt
is determined by the indeterminate behavior and decisions of
humanity. Should the orientation of the Earth progress fast
enough, so that the Earth would enter 4th Density, then the
Photon Belt would be experienced. As it is, the entry into 4th
Density is not expected for some years after the cataclysm, and
the Photon Belt effects will be taken into consideration at that
(End ZetaTalk[TM] on Photon Belt)
All rights reserved: ZetaTalk@ZetaTalk.com