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Articles: <5b3308$ols@dfw-ixnews4.ix.netcom.com>
From: saquo@ix.netcom.com(Nancy )
Subject: 12TH PLANET - the Zetas Explain
Date: 9 Jan 1997 15:31:20 GMT
(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
ZetaTalk: 12th Planet
The term, 12th Planet, is not scientifically exact but relates to the historical and widely read book that Sitchen wrote, titled The 12th Planet. In this book he explains that the ancient visitors from this traveling comet considered the Moon to be a planet, and counted the Sun as the first. The periodic Earth cataclysms caused by the 12th Planet have been in place for eons, since the Earth was cold and without life. As this statement will raise questions in some minds, let us explain. The Earth was cold as the Sun had not yet lit. All this is a matter of astrophysics, and not relevant to the discussion at hand. The 12th Planet, or giant comet, assumed its orbit around the Sun due to gravitational and motion issues, which were at play coming out of what some Earthlings refer to as the big bang. This was in fact only a little bang, a local affair, however.
The orbit of the 12th Planet is long and narrow. This is not dependent on gravitational and orbital matters within your Solar System, but on a larger scheme, which causes the trip back into your Solar System to be but a minor part of the itinerary. Why does the 12th Planet swing so far away from your Solar System, and why bother to return, having done so?
There is a balance between the attraction of your Sun and
another, unseen by you but nevertheless present and in force. The
12th Planet travels interminably between these two forces, not
able to settle on an orbit around just one because of the
momentum and path it originally took. It is caught. The path of
the 12th Planet is such that it spends most of its life out in
dark space, slowly moving from one giant tug to another. As it
approaches one of these giants, your Sun being one, it picks up
speed, and reaches a maximum speed as it passes the attraction.
Having passed, it now has double the gravitational attraction on
one side, and quickly switches back in the other direction,
zooming just as rapidly much along the path it just took. Out in
space again, caught between the two giants that dominate its
life, it settles down to a sedate few thousand years, only to zip
around the Sun's counterpart in a like manner and head back
toward your Solar System.
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ZetaTalk: Planet X
Planet X does exist, and it is the 12th Planet, one and the same. When first sighted via infrared readings and reported by the IRAS team in 1983, the IRAS findings were taken in many ways by the human scientists reading the reports, and thus they cast many interpretations on just what the 12th Planet's infrared reading might imply. Infrared heat can be taken to mean many things, depending on distance, size, and composition of the object being sensed. A very hot object far away can be comparable to a barely warm object near at hand, or a very large object far away can be considered to be a smaller object close at hand, and as the compression caused by the mass of an object is considered to produce infrared rays, then a very heavy but cold object could be considered comparable to a lighter but warmer object. The scientists reading the IRAS findings took the 12th Planet, a.k.a. Planet X, to be larger, colder, and farther away, as the mind does not want to comprehend the alternatives.
When first sighted in 1983, it was on the right hand side of Orion, as viewed from your northern hemisphere, and is moving left. It will move further left, as it nears the Earth's Solar System for its passage, coming in on the left side of the Sun (as viewed in the manner humans insist upon, from what they call above the plane). Thus it moves from the right hand side of the sky, from Orion, to come in on the left hand side, coming up through the plane as viewed from above the plane, in its first passage.
Interest in Planet X was roaring along going into the 1983
IRAS search. Had Planet X not been found, interest might still be
roaring along, in the media, that is. When the blanket of
suppression was dropped on the media and major observatories, who
know just where Planet X is at all times these days, it took some
time for an explanation for the silence to be concocted. Thus one
finds the strange silence, that lasted almost a decade, following
the Planet X discovery in 1983. Since JPL and NASA are firmly in
hand, doing the bidding of the establishment on so many
information issues, they became the designated arm of the
explanation. The mystery of why the outer planets appeared
perturbed to astronomers for the last 160 years was explained
away by adjustments in the size and composition of these outer
planets discovered by probes. The public gets the conclusion, but
not the details, or they get the details in such a manner that an
independent conclusion can't be arrived at. All very safe.
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