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Board Meeting
September 20, 1998
(Gerard) welcome back Nancy
(Gerard) are you connecting to NetMeeting now ?
(Nancy) I'm trying to get onto the ils.four11.com server. It's in process. Let's start! I'll post the Agenda on
(Gerard) There are no others on IRC. but I will call Michel :)
(Gerard) Do I have to paste this into NetMeeting ??
(Nancy) Gerard, please paste what I have written into the NetMeeting chat log, yes.
(Nancy) Hi Michel, we're discussing the Place of Business, and then your animation, we lack a quorum.
On NetMeeting
9/20/98 10:25:28 AM,Gerard,(Nancy) Agenda
(Nancy) Board Meeting
(Nancy) Sep 20, 1998
9/20/98 10:25:48 AM,Gerard,(Nancy) Since we can only get a few lines at a time. I''d like to suggest that
we discuss the Place of Business first, then the animation. As neither of these require a vote.
9/20/98 10:26:03 AM,Shirley,I have the agenda in Braille.
9/20/98 10:26:18 AM,Gerard,(Gerard) okay
(Nancy) We are lacking a quorum, so the meeting will be a discussion. I am on IRC, along with Michel.
Gerard and Clipper and Jan and I think Shirley are on Netmeeting.
(Nancy) The meeting will begin as a discussion meeting on those issues not requiring a vote.
(Nancy) 4. Physical Place of Business - Report by President
(Nancy) The Bylaws were amended in early 1998 in accordance with an IRS concern that the corporation
had no physical Place of Business. The President has an accepted offer on a family homestead in
Wisconsin, which can become this physical Place of Business in the future. The Site offer the potential for
solution demonstrations, and the two Front Rooms, with their own en ...
(Nancy) Does anyone have any questions on the site and use of site?
9/20/98 10:26:32 AM,Gerard,(Nancy) (Note: I''d like to ask someone else to save the NetMeeting log,
and I''ll combine the two. I can''t get into NetMeeting today. Netcom server
9/20/98 10:26:40 AM,Gerard,PS this is from Nancy
9/20/98 10:26:58 AM,Clipper,Okay
9/20/98 10:26:59 AM,Shirley,That''s okay, I have the agenda. Yeah, right, bummer!
9/20/98 10:27:07 AM,Morgan,I will send it to you Gerard
9/20/98 10:27:18 AM,Shirley,You''re going to have to do a lot of work, Clipper.
9/20/98 10:27:20 AM,Gerard,(Nancy) The President has an accepted offer on a family homestead in
Wisconsin, which can become this physical Place of Business in the future. The Site offer the potential for
solution demonstrations, and the two Front Rooms, with their own entry, will be available to the nonprofit
as entry and Office Space.
(Michel) Again
(Michel) You lack a quorum again
(Nancy) I''m buying this as a retirement home, and will move there as my personal income allows. It
offers, in my opinion, a GREAT place to have an Inc office.
9/20/98 10:28:07 AM,Shirley,I agree.
9/20/98 10:28:17 AM,Shirley,Yes, I can. and I agree with that.
9/20/98 10:28:40 AM,Shirley,Oh, bummer!!!
9/20/98 10:28:57 AM,Shirley,If I hear anything drop on the floor, I''ll laugh!
9/20/98 10:29:33 AM,Shirley,Ah, that''s what that was!
9/20/98 10:29:47 AM,Morgan,Is Nancy here now?
9/20/98 10:29:47 AM,Gerard,seems Nancy is on
9/20/98 10:30:19 AM,Clipper,She is not in the channel yet.
9/20/98 10:30:29 AM,Gerard,(Michel) what ARE you allowed to do with the land/on the land? Are you
allowed to build on it?
9/20/98 10:30:34 AM,Shirley,you still see me, Clipper? I leant on something and have lost the edit
9/20/98 10:30:44 AM,Gerard,(Nancy) The marsh land used to be a pasture, for cows, but now farm
animals aren''t allowed and wet lands preservation has restricted use even further.
(Nancy) However, it has springs on it, and a river runs along one side.
(Nancy) I think demo prototypes could be 1. an earth bermed shelter, 2. a windmill, 3. a floating barge as
a mobile home.
9/20/98 10:30:55 AM,Gerard,(Michel) good initiative!
9/20/98 10:31:05 AM,Gerard,(Nancy) And there is garden area galore. The soil is rich. I think the
basement would work well as a hydroponics demo place too.
(Nancy) So, tours could be made there, and CNN could be given the tour, etc.
9/20/98 10:31:37 AM,Shirley,It's good that it has two entrances as well. Sounds great!
9/20/98 10:32:03 AM,Shirley,I've lost the cursor! Damn that thing, where's it gone?
9/20/98 10:32:13 AM,Shirley,Okay, there it is!
9/20/98 10:32:21 AM,Shirley,Great!
9/20/98 10:32:38 AM,Gerard,(Nancy) I plan to put seed stock in the garden area, and folks can see we
have an ACTIVE seed production going on.
9/20/98 10:32:59 AM,Shirley,Are you going to serve wormburgers?
9/20/98 10:33:11 AM,Shirley,Oh, yuck!
9/20/98 10:33:50 AM,Shirley,Sorry!
9/20/98 10:34:00 AM,Gerard,(Michel) We must come over and visit sometime
9/20/98 10:34:34 AM,Shirley,Yeah.
9/20/98 10:34:34 AM,Gerard,(Nancy) Michel, no one can build on wetlands. One cannot dredge or fill.
However, I''m hoping for a floating thingie that will demonstrate only the houseboat philosophy, not
actually have sewage or anything in it. This may be allowed.
9/20/98 10:35:03 AM,Clipper,Put a porta potty on it :-)
9/20/98 10:35:17 AM,Shirley,Good idea
9/20/98 10:35:51 AM,Shirley,But I was serious about the wormburgers. It might be a good idea.
9/20/98 10:36:14 AM,Clipper,That could be a possibility
9/20/98 10:38:02 AM,Shirley,And there could be a movie or something that people could watch, on how
to prepare, maybe? And maybe a demo of a PS type home? Just thinking aloud.
(Jan) Nancy, I think having your site as the Inc place of business is a very good idea. If I remember right,
the IRS had some questions to out Internet operational model?
(Nancy) Also, I plan to plant wild rice and fresh water shrimp if possible. Stuff like that. Live off nature,
(Jan) Gerard, do you want be on IRC or Netmeeting? If IRC, should I redo some commands?
(Michel) frustrate, fresh water shrimp? Do you mean Yabbies? I could give you some advise on those
critters. I have grown them myself
(Nancy) Jan, I'm excited about becoming the owner, even if I can't move there lock-stock-and-barrel this
minute. This allows us, in good conscience, to disburse money to the Seed TEAM, and be within our
(Nancy) This is a Place of Business IN PROCESS, in essence.
On NetMeeting
9/20/98 10:46:40 AM,Gerard,(Michel) well, I do not want to be bitchy but I think the next time that the
tt-inc has a chat that everybody who has stated they could be there are present. Furthermore that
everybody who will be in the chat will check out how to connect etc. an hour before the board meeting to
make sure the meeting can continue as planned and as needed.
9/20/98 10:46:44 AM,Jan,No problem. Let''s hope we get some more Board Members on board :-) If not,
this is going to be just another chat as usual
9/20/98 10:47:04 AM,Gerard,Yes,, and Nancy left again on IRC
9/20/98 10:47:11 AM,Clipper,Well. It looks like we will probably have to do todays agenda next time.
9/20/98 10:47:24 AM,Gerard,Happened before
9/20/98 10:47:59 AM,Clipper,Yup. And Michel is right
9/20/98 10:48:45 AM,Gerard,Yes he is. Better to be here before the meeting starts
9/20/98 10:49:19 AM,Shirley,Hello, I''m back!
9/20/98 10:49:27 AM,Gerard (saquo@ali-ca11-11.ix.netcom.com) has joined #Troubled_Times
(Gerard) Welcome back Nancy
9/20/98 10:49:38 AM,Shirley,Hi, there.
9/20/98 10:50:13 AM,Shirley,Oh!
9/20/98 10:50:14 AM,Jan,I think we have to evaluate other models for Board Meetings, as well as adjust
the number of members of the Board, get us some more active members etc. I think this is the third time
without a quorum?
9/20/98 10:50:51 AM,Shirley,You''re right, Jan.
9/20/98 10:50:52 AM,Clipper,Yes
9/20/98 10:51:03 AM,Gerard,Yes more active members would be a good idea.. Yes the third time I
think. Went much better last times
9/20/98 10:51:19 AM,Shirley,We did have a quorum, or we should have. There were people on the
email circuit who said they were going to be here, and who are not.
9/20/98 10:52:14 AM,Gerard,Yes, but not everyone on the tt-inc list is a boardmemember
9/20/98 10:52:21 AM,Shirley,I just have to go and let my dogs upstairs. They are getting restless.
9/20/98 10:52:55 AM,Gerard,(Nancy) Are you able to read what I post?
(Gerard) Well what you say over here I read
(Nancy) OK, can you give me their questions on the Place Of Business via private chat? I''m not reading
what I post.
(Gerard) OK
9/20/98 10:53:25 AM,Jan,We have both technical and participation type problems. Technical problems
can be solved easily by changing the model to an e-mail type model (even if a dialogue will be diificult).
Participation is more difficult to solve. We need to prepare the next elections carefully, or reduce the size
of the Board.
9/20/98 10:54:12 AM,Jan,Nancy, no questions on your Place of Business.
9/20/98 10:54:25 AM,Clipper,No questions here either
9/20/98 10:54:32 AM,Jan,(But I may need a key keyiboard)
9/20/98 10:54:53 AM,Shirley,That's right, Gerard; but there were seven Board members, including
myself, who said they would be here.
9/20/98 10:55:10 AM,Jan,Looks good, congrads, get going. Will visit you there sometime.
9/20/98 10:55:14 AM,Shirley,None here, either.
9/20/98 10:55:28 AM,Shirley,We certainly will! Even me.
9/20/98 10:55:37 AM,Gerard,(Nancy) Gerard, I sure hope someone is saving the IRC chat log and the
NetMeeting log, as I didn''t get them much in the first place. No ICQ as yet, I''m too new at it. I''ll answer
Jan''s questions.
9/20/98 10:56:17 AM,Gerard,Shirley None here, either.
9/20/98 10:56:35 AM,Shirley,Okay.
9/20/98 10:56:41 AM,Jan,On the formal side, will you need any Board approval for using this address as
the PoB?
9/20/98 10:57:00 AM,Shirley,Good point.
9/20/98 10:57:43 AM,Shirley,Gerard, don''t relay this. I can hear your scanner, Clipper.
9/20/98 10:59:14 AM,Jan,What is happening? Why this silence?
9/20/98 10:59:29 AM,Jan,Helloooooooooo
9/20/98 10:59:40 AM,Clipper,Not sure. Too many different means of communication here.
9/20/98 10:59:55 AM,Shirley,Yeah, true.
9/20/98 11:00:05 AM,Gerard,no repsonse from Nancy yet
9/20/98 11:00:17 AM,Shirley,Maybe Jan has a point; maybe we should go to an email model or
9/20/98 11:00:38 AM,Shirley,I have a typing speed of 98 words per minute.
9/20/98 11:00:42 AM,Clipper,We need the white board from netmeeting.
9/20/98 11:01:41 AM,Jan,Clip, not with the agenda on the TT site - I have the full agenda and the PoB
printed out in front of me. No need for a whiteboard.
9/20/98 11:02:11 AM,Clipper,I do the same , but not all do.
9/20/98 11:02:20 AM,Gerard,and I just read the agenda but maybe we could setup a email model or
something like that ?
9/20/98 11:02:58 AM,Clipper,I think this is something that shouldbe discussed through email with Nancy.
9/20/98 11:03:02 AM,Jan,I must admit I could think of better things to do for an hour or two than to wait
for getting a quorum (which we won''t), and to wait for everybody to get on, which they won''t either, it
9/20/98 11:03:24 AM,Gerard,Right. I am always on on time
9/20/98 11:03:31 AM,Gerard,Before time even just to be sure
9/20/98 11:03:36 AM,Gerard,Just as Clipper
9/20/98 11:03:49 AM,Clipper,True. I always come about one hour early to make sure I am ready.
9/20/98 11:04:09 AM,Jan,I can initiate that e-mail discussion - not on the Inc, but to the current
participants (Nancy, Clip, Helena, Gerard) only.
9/20/98 11:04:18 AM,Jan,OK?
9/20/98 11:04:25 AM,Gerard,Right. I think that boardmeeting in real life are also arranged that way
9/20/98 11:04:30 AM,Gerard,Be there in time
9/20/98 11:04:40 AM,Gerard,It's is a mess right now
9/20/98 11:04:44 AM,Clipper,I think it should start off in the Inc to get others attention to the matter.
9/20/98 11:05:06 AM,Gerard,Yep
9/20/98 11:05:27 AM,Jan,Clip, Do we want to advertise our problems? Should we not get an idea of
what we want to do before going public?
9/20/98 11:05:52 AM,Clipper,The Inc list is not public. Only Inc members.
9/20/98 11:06:18 AM,Shirley,Oh, that''s right, I'd forgotten about the whiteboard. That's 'cos I can't see it,
I guess.Clipper, I heard everything you said; but the Whiteboard destroyed my connection.
9/20/98 11:06:29 AM,Shirley,Or, rather, my ability to type back to you.
9/20/98 11:07:14 AM,Shirley,Yeah, right, it overlayed my screen, I guess. Yeah, that makes sense; next
time I''ll try and have my audio fixed. I have heard all that you said, though.
9/20/98 11:07:22 AM,Jan,In real life, well prepared board meeting can be done in a pretty short time.
Most time can often be used on other business. The agenda with background material and proposals are
mostly sent out in advance. If there are no problems, easily handled.
9/20/98 11:07:57 AM,Jan,Concerning the Inc vs the Board - how many members do we have now?
9/20/98 11:08:10 AM,Shirley,Well, I always Braille everything out. I even have a copy of the
Storyboard. I always try to be preapred.
9/20/98 11:08:17 AM,Clipper,True. But we are breaking new ground here and patience is a virtue.
9/20/98 11:08:59 AM,Shirley,Oh, yeah, I know, I realize that.No, not offhand. I lost my list and Nancy
gave me one, but I never Brailled it out yet.
9/20/98 11:09:23 AM,Clipper,Not sure here either yet
9/20/98 11:09:35 AM,Shirley,There are 11 Board members, are there not?
9/20/98 11:09:43 AM,Jan,I propose I send you four a first e-mail with some proposals and questions. If
we decide so, we continue on the Inc list. OK, Clip?
9/20/98 11:10:04 AM,Clipper,Sounds good to me.
9/20/98 11:10:16 AM,Gerard,Yes, okay :) let's do that
9/20/98 11:10:16 AM,Shirley,Is that today, now?
9/20/98 11:11:05 AM,Jan,Shirley, I think you are right. It is supposed to be 12, one vacant, one not
welcomed (the previous Treasurer), 10 left. Some of the Board members like Geson are never there.
(Maybe he was more active before I joined?)
9/20/98 11:11:18 AM,Shirley,Oh, okay. 'Cos I'm not sure ... I would have to get out of this and go back
into Pine. Next month, though, I hope to have a Windows-based email programme in operation, something
like Outlook, or Eudora.
9/20/98 11:11:29 AM,Clipper,Maybe we should evaluate who our board members are.
9/20/98 11:11:41 AM,Jan,Yessss!!
9/20/98 11:12:31 AM,Gerard,Geson has a MAC he once joined NetMeeting or a couple of times.. he
usualy joined trough IRC but he is kinda busy with his job I think
9/20/98 11:12:35 AM,Clipper,If they want to play, then get in the game.
9/20/98 11:12:37 AM,Shirley,There have been several I believe who were more active than they are
now. And some, regrettably, are not active at all and never have been. Yeah, I agree, Clipper, we should
evaluate; and I may try Eudora. I was going to try Outlook, but I don''t know! Oh, decisions!
9/20/98 11:13:31 AM,Clipper,Eurdora is what I use for the Inc email
9/20/98 11:13:32 AM,Shirley,That's a problem I think we have, people are all so busy. But Jan, I am
sure, is really busy; and - really? I don't? Okay, if you say so. As I was saying - people do get busy but if
they say they are going to be here, they should be.
9/20/98 11:13:50 AM,Shirley,Oh, okay. I might try that. It sounds a bit easier than Outlook.
9/20/98 11:14:38 AM,Shirley,It's just an ordinary keyboard. The display is coming out in Braille. I
should be able to read what you are typing; but I can't. I haven''t got it set up properly.
9/20/98 11:14:47 AM,Clipper,I am still amazed that you can find all those little buttons to push
9/20/98 11:15:19 AM,Jan,I know Geson has done a marvelous job with the Swedish site etc. Still, we
must require that a Board Member has the time to participate in the Board activities. If the timimg is the
problem, maybe e-mail could solve that?
9/20/98 11:15:50 AM,Clipper,Maybe, but it seems so ....... prehistoric.
9/20/98 11:15:58 AM,Jan,Gerard, any news on Nancy on IRC?
9/20/98 11:15:59 AM,Shirley,I think it''s going to have to be one of the two. We are certainly have to do
9/20/98 11:16:11 AM,Gerard,No news from Nancy
9/20/98 11:16:38 AM,Clipper,I would say that we could safely call this meeting to a close.
9/20/98 11:16:39 AM,Jan,Clip, what prehistoric? E-mail? Or where you answering something else?
9/20/98 11:16:57 AM,Clipper,E-mail.
9/20/98 11:17:05 AM,Shirley,Hah hah
9/20/98 11:17:16 AM,Gerard,well Jan are you going to send a email today? :) about the issue
9/20/98 11:17:31 AM,Jan,OK, lets try snail mail then :-)
9/20/98 11:17:41 AM,Shirley,What?
9/20/98 11:17:45 AM,Clipper,I don''t think so :-)
9/20/98 11:18:11 AM,Shirley,At that, it might be faster than this!
9/20/98 11:18:13 AM,Jan,Yes, I will send you a prehistoric e-mail within a couple of hours. I will have
to check out the Swedish election first
9/20/98 11:18:39 AM,Shirley,Don''t include the dinosaurs, Jan!
9/20/98 11:18:49 AM,Clipper,I think it would be great if we could all meet once a year in person for a
9/20/98 11:19:10 AM,Shirley,Ditto!
9/20/98 11:19:10 AM,Gerard,Yes... :)
9/20/98 11:19:23 AM,Jan,Shirley, they are just as difficult to get into a(n) (e)mail as us getting that Zeta
ride :-)
9/20/98 11:19:56 AM,Shirley,Yeah, my computer is a little small! And I think my Braille display would
really object.
9/20/98 11:20:16 AM,Clipper,Watch where you put your fingers :-)
9/20/98 11:20:30 AM,Shirley,Oh, God! They'll get bitten off.
9/20/98 11:20:41 AM,Shirley,Oops!
9/20/98 11:21:08 AM,Jan,If we are to meet once a year in person, costs will skyrocket, or you will
exclude most Europeans. An airticket to mid-Us would cost USD 3K business class, maybe 1K couch
9/20/98 11:21:53 AM,Clipper,Yea, I know, it was just a thought.
9/20/98 11:22:01 AM,Shirley,Actually, I think I really am better on audio. I keep answering you, Clip,
and I have busy fingers. Jan--cow class?
9/20/98 11:22:17 AM,Jan,I do think that we should meet once though, but once a year will be tough.
9/20/98 11:22:37 AM,Shirley,Sure would; but once some time would be neat.
9/20/98 11:22:42 AM,Clipper,We should all meet at Nancy''s new place
9/20/98 11:22:58 AM,Clipper,Party on the boat!
9/20/98 11:23:00 AM,Shirley,Hey, great! Wormburgers, anyone?
9/20/98 11:23:22 AM,Clipper,Home made beer
9/20/98 11:23:34 AM,Shirley,Yuck!
9/20/98 11:23:43 AM,Gerard,(Nancy) Is everyone done talking? Are we about to close?
(Gerard) No still talking wait
9/20/98 11:23:50 AM,Clipper,No worse than a worm burger
9/20/98 11:23:53 AM,Shirley,Yeah, I don't think Vidal would taste too good.
9/20/98 11:24:48 AM,Clipper,II think we can close for this time if all agree.
9/20/98 11:25:03 AM,Jan,Helena, flights in the US has only two classes, first and last. 1st is overpriced
and roomy, economy is affordable and gives you leg cramps for flights over 4 hours. Fligts from Europe
may have three classes, first, middle and last (Sorry, first, business and economy.) First is out of the
question, economy takes one to twoo days to recover from after a twelve-hour flight.
9/20/98 11:25:03 AM,Shirley,I agree. Reluctantly. This has been fun!
9/20/98 11:25:43 AM,Gerard,well from Europe.. it's kinda expensive
9/20/98 11:25:51 AM,Gerard,and jet-lag
9/20/98 11:26:00 AM,Shirley,I've been there.
9/20/98 11:26:10 AM,Clipper,Jet lagged?
9/20/98 11:26:12 AM,Shirley,Absolutely. I have traveled a lot.
9/20/98 11:26:47 AM,Clipper,Travel, while we still can
9/20/98 11:27:00 AM,Shirley,My computer is doing something really strange! Originally I come from
England, and I have been to the States several times. Vidal came from New York. Yeah, right! Travel
while we still can.
9/20/98 11:27:00 AM,Gerard,Yes.. right
9/20/98 11:27:06 AM,Jan,Let's meet for wormburgers some time! Btw, I still have a download running
(copying the Nexus site) so I may hang around for chit-chat
9/20/98 11:27:35 AM,Gerard,OK
9/20/98 11:29:20 AM,Gerard,(Nancy) OK, I''m signing off. PLEASE send the logs to zetatalk@zetatalk.com. And thanks for hanging in there Gerard!
(Gerard) OK
9/20/98 11:29:33 AM,Gerard,Clipper did you saved the log???
9/20/98 11:29:50 AM,Jan,Gerard, is there anything to save?
9/20/98 11:29:51 AM,Clipper,I saved the first half when we got bumped off.
9/20/98 11:29:56 AM,Gerard,Yes for Nancy ."