Principal | Project | Status |
Geson: | 98-004 TV Film Clip | (BetaCAM, NTSC and PAL and new CD-ROM received
from Geson. $190 USD due Geson for costs. In Madison
being duplicated. 1st formal request for copy received
from group in Germany.) |
| | |
Roger: | 98-002 Seed TEAM | (Troy Bilt purchased and received. Headquarters garden
tilled and cold weather and root cellar crops set out.
Loaned land to be tilled soon. Roger to visit on Mar 20th.) |
| | |
(board) | 98-003 Admin & Ops | (Conditional User permit granted by the Village of North
Freedom, so using residence for nonprofit headquarters is
permitted use. Shingle yet to be secured and set out.
Mailing permit, i.e. free mailing by US Postal Service,
specs gathered - is $100/year and requires 200 pieces at a
time, so volume is needed before it will be cost effective.
Nonprofit must register with the State of Wisconsin, form
requested, and then can avoid paying sales tax.) |
| | |
Nancy: | 99-001 Headquarters | |
| - cottage | (Nancy repairing cottage, cost of $5,000, during upgrades
to the main house. Issue of how to reimburse costs may be
on a per-use basis of $20/night for approved nonprofit
guests. $1,843 already compensated to be so allocated
first, as 92 such nights.) |
| - offices | (Electrical upgrading being completed by homeowner.
Issue on how to reimburse costs and expenses such as heat
and light may be on a monthly rental basis of $100/month
for use of the two rooms starting Jan 1, 2000. $1,648
already compensated to be so allocated first to cover 16.5
such months.) |
| | |
Ron: | 99-003 Short Wave | (Classes on web established. Sessions and chats held
regularly. Application for Building Permit for antenna
submitted.) |
| | |
Nancy: | 99-001 Demos | |
| - Storm Shelter | (Application for Building Permit to install storm shelter
applied for.) |
| | |
Nancy: | 99-001 Prototypes | |
| - Worm Beds | (Plan to purchase materials and build them during Roger's
visit Mar 20th. Plumbing and drain to support the beds
completed at homeowners expenses. Costs to be
reimbursed to be determined later.) |
| - Hydroponics | (Equipment purchased and received. Plumbing to support
hydroponics completed, electrical upgrade in process, at
homeowners expenses. Costs to be reimbursed to be
determined later. Plan for use of hydroponic lab, in
conjunction with worm beds and fish tanks on the web.) |
| - Fish/Algae Tanks | (Priced as 2 cow watering tanks, $218 total. Not yet
purchased.) |
| - Rainwater Collect | (Cistern examined and in good shape. Hand Pump remains
in place in upgraded kitchen sink area. System may need
repair to become operational.) |
| - Wetlands as Food | (Dam to raise water level 18" to foster wild rice has been
completed.) |
| - Recipes | (Kitchen sinks upgraded to stainless steel at homeowners
expense. Kitchen area clears so purging and preparing
worms with hydroponic and fish tank produce for recipes
appropriate for survival camps can be developed. Kitchen
is a recipe lab.) |
| | |
Michel: | 98-001 PS Video | (Michel has provided a new Vivo Clip for review.) |
Nancy: | 99-001 Video Servers | (Ernie is formulating cost overview. Reduced cost
anticipated. Jurian created mailing list for review
committee.) |