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Board Meeting
June 20, 1999
20-6-99 20:14:15,Nancy,Seems we have a quorum. Supposed to have Clipper, Shirley, Jan, Roger, Gerard,
Ron, me, and I was hoping Geson. Whom do we have?
20-6-99 20:14:49,Nancy,Clearly we have Clipper, Gerard, Ron, Helena, Roger, Jan .. um, I'll call to order
20-6-99 20:14:57,Gerard,Okay
20-6-99 20:15:00,Clipper,I have Shirley on audio.
20-6-99 20:15:05,Nancy,A quorum is present, will the meeting please come to order.
20-6-99 20:15:18,Gerard,and there is no one in IRC now
20-6-99 20:15:57,Nancy,We have a full Agenda, but as the Treasurer's report is available, I'd like to move
that item up. Whether we fund any prototype steps or video production depends on the balance. Ron, would
you proceed with your report?
20-6-99 20:16:08,Clipper,Man ..... lost Shirley again.
20-6-99 20:16:31,Ron,Ok
20-6-99 20:16:35,Nancy,We still have a quorum.
20-6-99 20:17:04,Nancy,I suspect most of the members didn't have a change to get to your web page this
morning. Could you give us the bottom line?
20-6-99 20:18:29,Nancy,The second highest priority item would be disbursing the Gift Pool addition of $100
to the Seed TEAM. I'd like to address that right after Ron's report.
20-6-99 20:18:51,Nancy,I think Ron is setting up the WhiteBoard with his Balance Sheet.
20-6-99 20:19:27,Ron,Well, the bottom line is that we have a total of $797.17 in the combined checking
account and Gift Pool, with $566.73 in the Checking Account.
20-6-99 20:19:57,Nancy,Oh, a bit more than I expected!
20-6-99 20:20:58,Ron,The Net Income ... that is what we have in money and assets is $2,026.11 .
20-6-99 20:21:04,Nancy,Bearing that in mind, could we quickly deal with Agenda item 6, the $100 gift for
Seed TEAM purchases. This was designated for seed purchase, and I'm suggesting that the items to be
purchased should be determined by the major active hubs - Toni and Roger.
20-6-99 20:21:11,Jan,I have printed the gifs and made a quick scan. Looks good.
20-6-99 20:21:46,Ron,All vouchers that I have received have been paid so we have nothing left in Accounts
20-6-99 20:22:01,Shirley,Clipper, are we still on audio? I had to get rid of the whiteboard because it causes
problems. If I don't hear from you in a minute I'll reconnect. Again!!!
20-6-99 20:22:19,Nancy,Is there any discussion around disbursing the $100 to the Seed TEAM, as I've
described? If not, we should vote to approve that disbursal, as Toni and Roger are waiting for this.
20-6-99 20:22:27,Clipper,No Sirley, audio stopped working
20-6-99 20:23:10,Jan,What is the minimum amount that must be held in the checking account?
20-6-99 20:23:25,Nancy,If we can't connect to Shirley by audio, we'll have to switch to e-mail again. Poor
20-6-99 20:23:54,Clipper,I was just informed via email, that we have $500 USD on it's way to the gift pool. I
won't say who sent it without aproval of the individual.
20-6-99 20:23:56,Ron,There is no minimum ... just need to leave enough to cover the monthly service
20-6-99 20:25:23,Gerard,Okay.. Clipper...
20-6-99 20:26:10,Jan,Clipper the current gift pool is USD 230, so we need about USD 270 more before we
can transfer it to the checking account, isn't that right?
20-6-99 20:26:48,Clipper,Supposedly, we transfer at $1000.
20-6-99 20:26:54,Ron,In future I will only post the Balance sheet in summary form. I wanted to do an
Itemized one as most haven't seen the details yet. Also the money transferred to my company to get us over
the checking account blick has been deposited to the checking account.
20-6-99 20:28:40,Jan,Ron, for my purposes, this level of detail is good. Maybe I should get that copy of your
account package? Please send me details and pricing info, if you have. (Maybe I should pick it up in
20-6-99 20:28:51,Ron,I think we need a by-law change as regards the $1000 until such time as the gift pool
is receiving more money.
20-6-99 20:29:13,Clipper,I agree
20-6-99 20:29:26,Ron,Ok Jan, will do.
20-6-99 20:29:56,Jan,Ron, I agree. We could change that to USD 100, a reasonable small amount
20-6-99 20:30:33,Clipper,We need to keep $100 in the bank at all times, so $200 would be better.
20-6-99 20:30:57,Clipper,Nancy has left the meeting
20-6-99 20:31:10,Gerard,that isn't good
20-6-99 20:31:24,Gerard,I will see if I can locate her on the server
20-6-99 20:31:26,Jan,Nancy, I have to leave at 19:00 UTM (21:00 local time) for a preparation meeting
before I visit a client tomorrow. Can we do the vital business amd voting before that?
20-6-99 20:31:34,Clipper,We sould wait for just a moment. She should be right back.
20-6-99 20:31:47,Jan,Or USD 150
20-6-99 20:32:18,Clipper,It would have to be an agenda item for next month probably.
20-6-99 20:32:26,Gerard,seems she isn't on netmeeting anymore
20-6-99 20:32:28,Jan,Ron, what is the name of the account package?
20-6-99 20:34:28,Gerard,We have no quorum now for what I know
20-6-99 20:34:33,Ron,Jan, the name is QuickBooks. I have an older version and don't know if it is
compatable (file formats) with the new version. One can still order the version I have ... at least the last time I
checked. I would update to the newer version, but no money for it.
20-6-99 20:34:41,Clipper,There are only four of us.
20-6-99 20:34:57,Jan,While we wait - I think the fund raiser was good news. With the current USD 500, the
gift pool has received a total of more than USD 2,500.
20-6-99 20:35:18,Clipper,Yes. This is good.
20-6-99 20:35:36,Gerard,We just wait for half an hour I think and if she doesn't join then perhaps we should
have the meeting next week then ?
20-6-99 20:35:56,Clipper,We will see Gerard
20-6-99 20:36:02,Gerard,ok
20-6-99 20:36:44,Ron,Clipper, as Vice President, can't you pick up the chair?
20-6-99 20:36:58,Jan,I have no possibility next week, or the week thereafter. We have to do e-mail votes
instead, then :-(
20-6-99 20:37:11,Gerard,I will see if she is on AIM
20-6-99 20:37:22,Clipper,Yes I could. But we still have no quorum.
20-6-99 20:37:39,Gerard,Nancy returned
20-6-99 20:37:39,Ron,Ugh!
20-6-99 20:37:43,Gerard,Nancy is back
20-6-99 20:37:45,Clipper,Good
20-6-99 20:38:24,Clipper,I have Shirley via email now
20-6-99 20:39:17,Gerard,ok
20-6-99 20:39:50,Clipper,The whiteboard destroys her audio
20-6-99 20:40:03,Nancy,I'm back and truly appologize. My husband double spaced this PC, and installed
VirusScan, and now it's too slow. I got siezed up trying to maneuver and had to reboot. Sorry.
20-6-99 20:40:29,Clipper,Your forgiven:-)
20-6-99 20:40:32,Nancy,I missed the discussion. Are we ready for a vote on the $100 for the Seed TEAM?
Motion, etc.?
20-6-99 20:40:50,Ron,Hey, I'm surprised I haven't crashed yet ... knock on wood.
20-6-99 20:41:12,Jan,Ron, careful with your head...
20-6-99 20:41:17,Clipper,We discussed that would should maybe change the by laws because we are
supposed to wait untill we have $1000
20-6-99 20:41:20,Nancy,Second piece of info I missed was what the minimum for both accounts is. What do
we need to leave in the Gift Pool and what do we need to leave in checking.
20-6-99 20:41:43,Clipper,$100 in gift pool
20-6-99 20:41:53,Nancy,Clipper, the Bylaws so or when called for by the Treasurer or some such.
20-6-99 20:41:56,Ron,Just enough in checking to pay the monthly service charges.
20-6-99 20:42:01,Roger,There was no discussion. Toni and I have been talking about this. She will be
making a list of herbs and I will consider biennials we should be stocking, etc.
20-6-99 20:42:22,Nancy,Ron can request that you deliver the $100, although wiring it would take too much.
20-6-99 20:42:29,Clipper,Okay, I have not read that part of the by laws lately
20-6-99 20:42:37,Jan,Gift pool is currently USD 1000. We proposed to change it to USD 150
20-6-99 20:43:25,Nancy,I think the reason for $1,000 was that wiring takes $30 or so, and it's not a
checking account so Clipper can't write a check. Why send $100 and lose $30!
20-6-99 20:43:47,Ron,Well, as Treasurer, I hereby request the gift pool money dedicated for the seed team.
20-6-99 20:43:56,Nancy,The Bylaws in fact are adequate, as they say the Treasure can request a transfer at
any time.
20-6-99 20:44:16,Nancy,This was that $100. A second to the motion?
20-6-99 20:44:40,Ron,Clipper can just send a check. There is enough in the checking account to dispurse the
new money before the check clears.
20-6-99 20:44:52,Gerard,I second the motion
20-6-99 20:45:08,Nancy,Clipper can't send a check as the Gift Pool is not a checking account. It would have
to be changed to that, first, my understanding.
20-6-99 20:45:35,Roger,We (Toni and/or I) will be ready to order in a week or two.
20-6-99 20:45:47,Ron,He can withdraw from a savings account, can't he?
20-6-99 20:45:48,Clipper,The cost for sending last time was $15
20-6-99 20:46:05,Nancy,A motion has been made and seconded to disburse the $100 gift received to the
Seed TEAM hubs, Roger and Toni, to spend at their discretion on new seed. All in favor say Yes, opposed
20-6-99 20:46:07,Nancy,Yes
20-6-99 20:46:11,Gerard,Yes
20-6-99 20:46:12,Jan,From the bylaws: Any Gift Pool collection not directly under the control of the
Treasurer shall be forwarded to the Treasurer when such collection reaches a total of $1,000, or as the Board
shall direct. Such collection points must make a quarterly reporting to the Board of Directors in concert with
the quarterly reporting required of the Treasurer.
20-6-99 20:46:24,Jan,Yes
20-6-99 20:46:42,Ron,Yes
20-6-99 20:46:47,Roger,yes
20-6-99 20:46:51,Clipper,Yes, awaiting Shirleys reply
20-6-99 20:47:10,Nancy,I stand corrected, Jan, and thanks for looking this up.
20-6-99 20:47:40,Nancy,The motion passes.
20-6-99 20:48:17,Jan,Since the chacking account is still USD 566, and a USD 500 gift is incoming, maybe
we should wait with the transfer until then?
20-6-99 20:48:55,Nancy,I agree we don't need to transfer the $100 to disburse it, as we have enough in the
corporate checking account. I'd like to address pre-paying, or having the corporation write checks for Toni
and Roger for the amount of the seed, if they request this. My take is that this would be within bounds,
20-6-99 20:49:10,Nancy,Up to $100, for the purchase of seed.
20-6-99 20:49:31,Nancy,What gift of $500 is incoming?
20-6-99 20:49:47,Jan,Fine with me
20-6-99 20:49:55,Clipper,I was informed via email that a$500 gift is on it's way
20-6-99 20:50:04,Roger,Toni and I won't be ready to order for another week or two. We could wait for the
$500 gift to arrive and then the proper transfer.
20-6-99 20:50:13,Nancy,I think we should always delay transferring funds from the Gift Pool to maximize
amount wire transferred for the wire transfer fee.
20-6-99 20:50:20,Gerard,but the person likes to stay anomyous I think
20-6-99 20:50:45,Ron,Jan, we currently don't have anything approved for funding that will use up the
checking account $500 so no need to wait for the new money.
20-6-99 20:50:49,Nancy,It may be that it would be cheaper to just open a checking account, change the
nature of that Gift Pool, for more ready transfer. Thoughts?
20-6-99 20:50:53,Jan,No need to wait for the transfer, Use the checking account until the transfer can be
20-6-99 20:51:40,Nancy,Roger, I think you could proceed, as ron understands that $100 is for this purpose.
He can swap around, etc.
20-6-99 20:51:50,Clipper,I will remain neutral on that
20-6-99 20:51:58,Roger,What would be the cost of a checking account?
20-6-99 20:52:31,Jan,Nancy, while you were off I informed I must leave at 19:00 UTM (in 10 minutes) to
meet a sub-contractor before a client delivery tomorrow. Can we do critical business before that?
20-6-99 20:52:33,Nancy,I suspect just the cost of checks, as we already pay a fee for the Gift Pool account.
20-6-99 20:52:44,Clipper,I would prefer it stay as it is. Less accounting headaches that way
20-6-99 20:53:00,Nancy,Ron, I also looked at your Balance Sheet report. Quite impressive!
20-6-99 20:53:08,Roger,And it earns interest right now, right?
20-6-99 20:53:31,Clipper,Yes
20-6-99 20:53:32,Nancy,What was the cost of wire transfer last time? At my bank, it's $30 a pop.
20-6-99 20:53:34,Ron,Thanks ... just software.
20-6-99 20:53:41,Clipper,$15
20-6-99 20:53:54,Roger,$15
20-6-99 20:54:01,Nancy,If we wait until the $500 comes in, and then wire $600, the $15 is trivial. I agree,
lets just leave it as is.
20-6-99 20:54:31,Clipper,Agreed
20-6-99 20:54:33,Nancy,Could we move to Agenda item 1 now. Geson's film clip and stills.
20-6-99 20:54:41,Jan,Nancy, I also reported while you were gone that I have checked the statements and
found them in order. (For the record, I have of course not checked the physical account.)
20-6-99 20:54:44,Gerard,Okay
20-6-99 20:54:49,Ron,Ok, understand. To whom and how much should I send seed money?
20-6-99 20:54:58,Jan,Good work, Ron!
20-6-99 20:55:30,Nancy,Ron, wait until Toni or Roger Voucher, or request that you write a check for this or
that, seed purchase, up to $100 in all.
20-6-99 20:55:54,Nancy,I was hoping that Geson could be here to discuss costs of video production.
20-6-99 20:56:14,Gerard,Yes, but he isn't here and neither is he on IRC
20-6-99 20:56:25,Ron,Thanks Jan, I can send you a copy of the last bank statement and the checking
account Register Report. Would that do it?
20-6-99 20:56:42,Nancy,It appears that he will be COMPLETING the video, along the lines already
submitted. He has a friend who can add sound. This means that we would only have to purchase video
cartridges, I believe.
20-6-99 20:56:48,Jan,Ron, yes please.
20-6-99 20:57:37,Jan,Nancy, it was impossible to play the preview. Stills were nice, though. Maybe the cost
will not be that high if he has the necessary equipment available?
20-6-99 20:57:48,Nancy,We are at a position of lining up the TV stations to send this to, and writing a cover
letter! However, I may be understating this. Does Geson have the equipment to cut multiple video tapes?
20-6-99 20:58:23,Gerard,For what I have seen, the stills look good to me gave some impression on how the
video looks like
20-6-99 20:58:47,Nancy,Has anyone seen the clips themselves? I've missed out on all, though tried 3 times
and got to 6MB each time.
20-6-99 20:59:01,Gerard,No, didn't saw the video
20-6-99 20:59:05,Clipper,No
20-6-99 20:59:08,Ron,Nancy, I think well have to ask Geson specifically about that.
20-6-99 20:59:19,Roger,No
20-6-99 20:59:24,Ron,no
20-6-99 20:59:47,Jan,Nancy, I tried to download the complete preview at first via ISDN. STopped after
approx 7 MB, just like the rest of you
20-6-99 20:59:49,Nancy,Geson is very talented. He's a professional, and makes his living at this type of
thing. I wonder if we could allocate some funds to him to produce a video for each of the Board members! 11
videos, and mailing costs.
20-6-99 21:00:10,Nancy,This way we could make final guidelines, or just say GO.
20-6-99 21:00:32,Ron,A good idea Nancy.
20-6-99 21:00:35,Clipper,That would be cool.
20-6-99 21:00:46,Jan,Geson's company is only about 50-60 km away. I could pick them up and mail them,
no sweat
20-6-99 21:01:09,Ron,Geson needs to give us a cost to do it.
20-6-99 21:01:15,Jan,Nancy, do you need my vote for anything? I MUST Go soon!
20-6-99 21:01:21,Nancy,We could also determine whether he has video reproduction equipment, and any
problems there. Cartridges only cost a few dollars, and $100 would buy them, another $50 or so the mailing
20-6-99 21:01:53,Nancy,PLEASE,lets vote on allocating up to $250 for video and mailing so the Board can
properly view the clips!
20-6-99 21:02:06,Ron,We could vote on setting aside $200 for this.
20-6-99 21:02:07,Roger,I move we provide funds for Geson to make copies for board members.
20-6-99 21:02:13,Jan,I second
20-6-99 21:02:18,Nancy,Let's not lose this opportunity. We're getting professional production here, gratis,
from Geson.
20-6-99 21:02:48,Ron,yes to set aside $250 for the video and postage
20-6-99 21:02:49,Gerard,Yes indeed, that might be a good idea.. But also to put the video on a cartridgde he
should keep in mind that people in the US use NTSC.. In the Netherlands we use PAL .
20-6-99 21:03:08,Nancy,A motion has been made and seconded that Geson be granted up to $250 to
produce a video for each Board member, and mailing costs, so a final determination can be made. All in favor
say Yes, opposed No.
20-6-99 21:03:11,Nancy,Yes
20-6-99 21:03:12,Gerard,Yes
20-6-99 21:03:13,Ron,Good point Gerard
20-6-99 21:03:14,Roger,Yes
20-6-99 21:03:17,Jan,Yes
20-6-99 21:03:24,Clipper,Yes
20-6-99 21:04:10,Gerard,I think that in Norway they also use PAL, Jan?
20-6-99 21:04:16,Nancy,We have 5 votes. Ron or Shirley?
20-6-99 21:04:17,Jan,Anything else before I leave. Nancy (sorry about this)
20-6-99 21:04:30,Jan,I think most (all?) of Europe is PAL
20-6-99 21:04:37,Nancy,Jan, this was the key issues. Have a good day!
20-6-99 21:05:09,Jan,Thanks! Have a good day, all of you! Bye
20-6-99 21:05:11,Nancy,Indeed, video needs to be different for US and Europe. Gerard, maybe you could
e-mail Geson on that matter.
20-6-99 21:05:42,Nancy,Ron, how vote you? Clipper, do we have Shirley on the line, via e-mail or
20-6-99 21:05:58,Ron,I already voted yes
20-6-99 21:06:12,Gerard,Yes, I have a his emailadres... ??
20-6-99 21:06:16,Nancy,I missed it. The motion passes.
20-6-99 21:06:22,Clipper,I will have to await Shirley's reply
20-6-99 21:06:24,Nancy,perry@radata.no
20-6-99 21:06:27,Gerard,ok
20-6-99 21:07:15,Nancy,The remaining Agenda items are prototype related. Since it appears we're well
funded, we could address any further needs Ron has. Ron, would you like to take to the progress on the
20-6-99 21:07:40,Ron,Gerard, also let him know that he needs to email me with his exact cost of production
and mailing so I can cut him a check.
20-6-99 21:08:07,Ron,Ok
20-6-99 21:08:29,Ron,The garden is planted and everything growing ... more
20-6-99 21:09:08,Ron,The worm population has grown so much that I now have two containers with very
large worms. more
20-6-99 21:09:44,Ron,The woods path is well underway to the campsite area.
20-6-99 21:10:17,Ron,In addition a great amount of cleanup has been done in general.
20-6-99 21:10:23,Ron,End of report.
20-6-99 21:11:18,Nancy,I'd like to add that the basement of the house will have decent electricity in it shortly,
as I'm upgrading and adding a circuit there.
20-6-99 21:11:40,Nancy,This would give Ron the lighting needed to start work on the hydroponics
20-6-99 21:12:25,Nancy,This was a high priority prototype during the voting, as I recall, even higher than the
Campground, but as the cost would be greater, this was not included in the original approval.
20-6-99 21:12:45,Ron,Nancy, I'll talk to you offline about that, as there isn't an outlet in that area in your
work order.
20-6-99 21:12:51,Nancy,Just as many members mentioned it as Campground, and they gave it higher
20-6-99 21:13:23,Nancy,Now that we have more funds coming in, perhaps we should address this. The cost
of development would be PVC pipe and lighting,and some concrete, etc.
20-6-99 21:13:48,Nancy,Ron, I was figuring we could run extention cords.
20-6-99 21:14:20,Nancy,I estimated costs for the Hydroponics, but these were not based on any intelligence,
just a wild swag.
20-6-99 21:14:48,Nancy,Ron, these are your prototypes, if you had some funds, what would you apply that
20-6-99 21:14:55,Ron,I would need to figure out the costs for the hydroponics. I haven't worked on it yet as
it is on my low priority to-do list.
20-6-99 21:15:23,Roger,I'm not seeing any of Ron's messages
20-6-99 21:15:40,Clipper,He is there
20-6-99 21:15:53,Nancy,Ron said - I would need to figure out the costs for the hydroponics. I haven't
worked on it yet as it is on my low priority to-do list.
20-6-99 21:16:18,Ron,Not at this time, Nancy. Too many irons in the fire now. A winter project that will
require funds.
20-6-99 21:16:51,Nancy,Another Prototype that I feel would have big payback is the Short Wave. Ron has a
lot of equipment, and could run classes from that. However, the equipment would need to be shipped, I
20-6-99 21:17:13,Clipper,Yes!
20-6-99 21:17:20,Ron,No, I brought a radio with me.
20-6-99 21:17:38,Nancy,We could fund the shipping costs. In a crisis, communication could be done via
short wave. Ron, isn't your equipment powerful, relatively speaking?
20-6-99 21:17:48,Ron,I do need about $50 for a G5RV antenna.
20-6-99 21:18:09,Nancy,Ron, did I misunderstand. Don't you have additional equipment at your dad's
20-6-99 21:19:22,Ron,Yes, I have most of my equipment in Louisiana and would rather use it. If it could be
shipped that would be much better. It's almost 40 pounds so shipping will cost a bit.
20-6-99 21:19:27,Clipper,What type antenna is that Ron?
20-6-99 21:19:29,Nancy,Ok, $50 for antenna. It should be noted that I purchased for the $250 noted in the
Agenda the gas weed whacker and rope Ron needs to keep the bermed foundation moving along, and clear
the path to the woods.
20-6-99 21:20:11,Ron,Not weed whacker ... gas chain saw.
20-6-99 21:20:23,Nancy,In addition, Ron has discovered a couple dams holding water in the marsh, and has
concluded that if cleared, he could plant a lot in the pasture area, now under about 4 inches of water. If this
were done, MUCH seed for the seed team could be grown!
20-6-99 21:20:30,Ron,Clipper, I'll tell you about it after meeting.
20-6-99 21:20:33,Nancy,Sorry, I stand corrected.
20-6-99 21:21:08,Clipper,Okay Ron
20-6-99 21:21:08,Nancy,Ron, could you estimate shipping costs for short wave equipement? Ballpark, etc.
20-6-99 21:22:01,Ron,Nancy, I've never shipped anything that heavy and haven't a clue.
20-6-99 21:22:18,Nancy,Note the $250 for gas chain saw and rope is NOT a gift to the nonprofit, just a
homeowner expense toward cleanup.
20-6-99 21:22:44,Clipper,
(Shirley)Hi, Clipper: I should point out, though, that unless the video has some kind of voice-over, it isn't going to be any good to me, nor to any other blind persons out there. Also, unless it has closed caption, it isn't going to be any good to the deaf either. The only problem I can see with voice-over and closed captioning, though, is that we will then run into language problems. That means a different person will have to do the voice-over for each language, and the closed captioning. Also, I suppose some kind of script will have to be written.
20-6-99 21:23:19,Clipper,From Shirley
20-6-99 21:23:20,Gerard,good point Clipper
20-6-99 21:23:27,Gerard,Good point shirley
20-6-99 21:23:34,Nancy,Re Shirley's comments, we should send her the video so her husband or another
can give opinions, and it will have voice over/music too.
20-6-99 21:24:02,Clipper,I will pass this info on to her
20-6-99 21:24:58,Nancy,Re Shirley's comments, various languuage translations follow. This is occurring in
Troubled Times proper. Translations follow the English. So getting the English version out there is FIRST, and
this encourages requests or offers for translations. This is the process.
20-6-99 21:25:39,Gerard,ok
20-6-99 21:26:13,Nancy,I just shipped about 5 lbs of seed to Roger, take 3-4 days to get to him (not air
mail) and it was only about $10 cost. So 40 lbs, by same method, should be about $100 no more, and
perhaps there is a cheaper method.
20-6-99 21:27:05,Nancy,I think we should allocate $150 to $200 cap to Ron for getting his short wave
equipment, antenna and shipping costs. He'll soon be able to set this all up in the main house, in the front
rooms, by December the latest.
20-6-99 21:27:21,Ron,Well, if $150 is approved for this purpose then I use only what's needed.
20-6-99 21:27:55,Clipper,You have an extra radio Ron?
20-6-99 21:28:06,Nancy,There was also some funds approved for spacking and door repair of the cottage.
But I don't think this was spend yet, am I right, Ron?
20-6-99 21:29:16,Ron,This may be a good time to start the radio project as we now have some Hams to talk
to in the group.
20-6-99 21:29:28,Nancy,Clipper, I think he has a regular one, and a big umpf guy that has greater reach. One
as a user, and one as a classroom, main connection point or something.
20-6-99 21:29:38,Ron,Yes, Clipper.
20-6-99 21:30:02,Nancy,Ron, by having the equipment to run classes, you will ENCOURAGE this! Plus, we
can advertise this off the home page as our first class!
20-6-99 21:30:14,Clipper,Will talk to you later about it Ron.
20-6-99 21:30:23,Nancy,Whoever gave that $500 can see this as the result of their gift!
20-6-99 21:30:27,Ron,No, the cottage repair has not started. I'm going to wait until it is empty ... I move out.
20-6-99 21:30:40,Clipper,Acckkk!!!
20-6-99 21:30:53,Clipper,Sorry, wrong button
20-6-99 21:31:26,Nancy,I just did some quick computation. Ron said $700 or so plus $500 additional. This
$1200 went down as $100 minimum, $100 to seed team, $250 to Geson, leaving $750.
20-6-99 21:31:45,Ron,Do we want to vote on shipping the radio equipment?
20-6-99 21:32:03,Clipper,Yes
20-6-99 21:32:29,Nancy,I think we should allocate $250 for Ron to ship his equipment and get his hands on
an antenna. Cap at $250. I don't think the shipping will cost $200, but this would allow for extra items that he
may not be thinking of right now. Wire ..
20-6-99 21:32:45,Nancy,Ron, yes, I'm looking for a motion and second, as the chair I cannot do this.
20-6-99 21:33:22,Clipper,I make a motion we reserve $250 for shipping radio equipment
20-6-99 21:33:30,Ron,I move that we should allocate $250 for Ron to ship his equipment and get his hands
on an antenna.
20-6-99 21:33:44,Ron,second
20-6-99 21:33:55,Ron,yes
20-6-99 21:34:07,Nancy,Ron reported that the worms he picked up to start the Worm Bed were HUGE,
had gotten fat, and multipled. This prototype is a piece of cake. However, we have to at some point start
eating them, making protein powder at least, etc. This will be the challenge.
20-6-99 21:35:02,Nancy,A motion has been made and seconded that we allocate $250 for setting up Short
Wave prototype, to include an antenna and shipping costs and other misc expenses. Ron can spend up to
$250, as needed. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No.
20-6-99 21:35:04,Nancy,Yes
20-6-99 21:35:04,Ron,Nah ... I'll make cookies for anyone who comes to visit
20-6-99 21:35:18,Clipper,yes
20-6-99 21:35:28,Ron,yes
20-6-99 21:35:38,Gerard,Yes
20-6-99 21:35:46,Nancy,Ron, that should keep the traffic down :-)
20-6-99 21:36:04,Clipper,I wish I would quit that:-)
20-6-99 21:36:32,Nancy,Did we lose Roger? If so, I'll e-mail both Jan and Roger for their vote on this
20-6-99 21:37:00,Roger,yes
20-6-99 21:37:08,Clipper,I am waiting Shirley's reply
20-6-99 21:37:08,Ron,Well, they don't HAVE to eat them; but wouldn't they be just a bit curious?
20-6-99 21:37:36,Nancy,When you made worm cookies, did you dry and pulverize the worms, or what?
20-6-99 21:37:46,Clipper,I ate dandelions yesterday, worms shouldn't be that bad.
20-6-99 21:38:18,Ron,Nancy, yes.
20-6-99 21:38:26,Roger,How did you prepare them? Just fresh, or did you cook them?
20-6-99 21:38:39,Nancy,As long as they are heated, cooked, should be pure and safe. I don't think they
carry any cautions, like fish or chicken, just cook and eat!
20-6-99 21:39:12,Clipper,Yummy
20-6-99 21:39:17,Nancy,Roger, I missed your vote on the $250 allocation for Short Wave.
20-6-99 21:39:24,Nancy,Oh! never mind!
20-6-99 21:39:29,Roger,yes
20-6-99 21:39:30,Gerard,Altough he is not a boardmember yet for what I know .. Aron joined IRC a
moment ago
20-6-99 21:39:58,Nancy,Oh! Did Aron get a chance to view Geson's video?
20-6-99 21:40:28,Ron,Well, I've eaten them after purging in water while live and squirming ... it's just a
matter of mind. I've done the same without purging and they are gritty ... so purge in water first.
20-6-99 21:41:04,Clipper,Taste crappy huh?
20-6-99 21:41:11,Nancy,I'd like to announce that I've gotten some interest from a producer re The Passage
film. This is not one of the big producers, but operates in Hollywood and had a hand in some big name films.
No papers signed as yet, and I don't expect to get rich, etc., but 10% of what I get will go to the corporation,
that was my pledge.
20-6-99 21:41:49,Clipper,This is good
20-6-99 21:42:32,Nancy,Since this is still in the works, I won't mention any names. These things can fall
apart, at any stage, so is not a bird in the hand until it hits the theatres! But .. this is genuine and serious.
20-6-99 21:43:15,Nancy,Do we have any other business? We stepped through the Agenda, and are just
awaiting Shirley's reply.
20-6-99 21:43:23,Clipper,I hope it becomes a series ......
20-6-99 21:43:35,Clipper,Still waiting for Shirley
20-6-99 21:43:58,Clipper,Got it, she votes Yes
20-6-99 21:44:22,Nancy,Roger, I have a burning question on the Pry .. Daisies. Do they winter over in cold
weather? Will we need to take them indoors? The ones I started from seed are GOING TO SEED this year,
per Ron.
20-6-99 21:44:24,Gerard,Nancy, Is Aron on the tt-inc list?
20-6-99 21:44:28,Clipper,Ron has left the meeting
20-6-99 21:45:01,Nancy,The motion passes. By my count, we have $500 left in the corporate account,
including the Gift Pool funds in there. This should be adequate for emergencies and operating support, more
than adequate.
20-6-99 21:45:25,Clipper,Agreed
20-6-99 21:46:01,Nancy,Gerard, I believe so. If he's getting the mail, he is, else let me know and I'll add
him. He is a voting member of TT and qualifies for membership. I think we already went though his 30 day
notice for objections, etc, the Bylaw thing.
20-6-99 21:46:39,Clipper,Ron is back
20-6-99 21:46:41,Nancy,If we have no more business, then we're ready to adjoun. Does someone want to
motion for that, while we still have a quorum :-)
20-6-99 21:47:06,Clipper,I make a motion that we adjourn this meeting
20-6-99 21:47:15,Ron,second
20-6-99 21:47:39,Nancy,A motion has been made and seconded to adjoun. All in favor say Yes, opposed
20-6-99 21:47:39,Nancy,Yes
20-6-99 21:47:39,Roger,I second
20-6-99 21:47:45,Gerard,yes
20-6-99 21:47:56,Ron,yes
20-6-99 21:48:01,Roger,yes
20-6-99 21:48:03,Clipper,Yes (awaiting Shirley's reply)
20-6-99 21:48:49,Ron,Clipper you going to stick around a bit to talk radio?
20-6-99 21:49:05,Clipper,Yep
20-6-99 21:49:47,Gerard,Nancy, from Aron
(Aron)No I'm not getting the mail as of yet, but would like to be :-)
20-6-99 21:49:50,Nancy,Just a special thanks to Ron for wrestling the land back from weeds and vines and
boxelder trees and all. This was war, I believe! This land had been neglected and used to having it's way for
decades. The garden area looked wonderful, Ron! And the vines choking the raspberries a horror!
20-6-99 21:49:51,Clipper,Gerard, when do you have to leave? Because when you leave .... we all leave
20-6-99 21:50:06,Gerard,I don't have to leave yet
20-6-99 21:50:24,Clipper,Good
20-6-99 21:50:32,Nancy,Tell Aron that I'll post notice, the 30 day thingie on objections, and add him to tt-inc
in the meantime. This has been our practice.
20-6-99 21:51:46,Gerard,I told him
20-6-99 21:51:48,Clipper,Nothing from Shirley yet, but do we need her vote to adjourn?
20-6-99 21:52:02,Nancy,On the Prototypes, we've got in progress: 1. Worm Bed, 2. Family Garden, 3.
Seed saving, 4. Short Wave, 5. Campground, and Ron will be pricing what it takes on 6. Hydroponics
20-6-99 21:52:23,Nancy,Oh, 7. Bermed Hut, as the trees are being cut.
20-6-99 21:53:03,Nancy,No, I don't think we need a quorum to adjoun, as long as everyone present wants
to go. Else without a quorum, the Board would have to stay online perpetually! Let's adjoun.
20-6-99 21:53:23,Clipper,Okay .
20-6-99 21:53:27,Ron,Good meeting.
20-6-99 21:53:44,Nancy,I'll get the minutes and log up on the web, and include Ron's accounting report and
progress on the site also. Good meeting guys!
20-6-99 21:54:02,Nancy,I'm leaving, and will cap the log here. Chat away!