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Board Meeting
February 13, 2000
2/13/00 11:57:15 AM,Nancy,Did you 2 work it out re the light duty farm equip. situ?
2/13/00 11:57:47 AM,Ron,I think so ... Roger?
2/13/00 11:58:03 AM,Nancy,What's the conclusion?
2/13/00 11:58:54 AM,Roger,Yea, I suppose (being facitious). The tiller appears to be the best solution.
2/13/00 11:59:07 AM,Ron,Buy the tiller. BTW, the cost is $2946 w/o tax. Not 3600 as listed in the agenda.
2/13/00 11:59:37 AM,Nancy,Well, how handy for the $700 trailer!
2/13/00 12:14:12 PM,Nancy,Since with Ron we have a quorum, I'm going to ask if anyone has any questions on items 2 and 3 of the agenda. We need to move out when we assemble.
2/13/00 12:15:11 PM,Roger,No questions here. Very nice work...
2/13/00 12:15:23 PM,Nancy,Items 2 and 3 are content in the Annual Report, which requires an approval from the Board and must be submitted by March 1 so MUST go out this month, right after the meeting.
2/13/00 12:15:47 PM,Nancy,We have a quorum of 6, will the meeting please come to order.
2/13/00 12:16:46 PM,Nancy,Shirley is no longer on NetMeeting.
2/13/00 12:17:13 PM,Nancy,Someone needs to pick her up via e-mail, Roger or Ron please, as I and Gerard are otherwise busy.
2/13/00 12:19:07 PM,Nancy,Assuming Shirley online, Item 1 is confirming the election results, as to the Officers and the Internet Comm position. I will entertain a motion and second on this confirmation.
2/13/00 12:19:52 PM,Roger, I move to accept...
2/13/00 12:20:02 PM,Nancy,To enter into the Board log the results of the 1st CPA review (which was technically not an audit), this went very well.
2/13/00 12:20:07 PM, Ron, I second the motion.
2/13/00 12:20:22 PM,Nancy,A motion has been made and seconded to confirm the election results. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No.
2/13/00 12:20:23 PM,Nancy,Yes
2/13/00 12:20:33 PM,Roger,yes
2/13/00 12:20:35 PM,Ron,yes
2/13/00 12:21:06 PM,Gerard,yes
2/13/00 12:21:12 PM,Ron,I sent email to Shirley
2/13/00 12:21:59 PM,Nancy,Ron received compliments on the state of his books, his comments and keeping voucher paper file (which is in and of itself a type of audit trail) and general setup. The CPA firm guy said he normally has to redo ALL the books for non-accountant small nonprofit treasurers, first time, but only had to spiff up Ron's books.
2/13/00 12:22:17 PM,Gerard,[Aron] yes
2/13/00 12:22:49 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] yes
2/13/00 12:23:00 PM,Gerard,yes
2/13/00 12:23:13 PM,Nancy,The motion passes.
2/13/00 12:24:14 PM,Nancy,Also, I did an audit between the Board logs andDonor Log and Clipper's Gift Pool records and all jibed. There were some additional gifts I wasn't aware of.
2/13/00 12:24:15 PM,Ron,I still don't see Shirley on the netmeeting directory.
2/13/00 12:25:12 PM,Nancy,Then I did a similar audit against all Ron had, his books, etc., and found only that we had overlooked sending Geson $280 as a result of an e-mail vote last July. This was corrected and he recieved the $280 per his last e-mail.
2/13/00 12:25:24 PM,Nancy,Our books are in very good shape, I feel, for a busy year ahead.
2/13/00 12:25:49 PM,Nancy,Ron, she will default to e-mail, knowing that is the fallback. Just keep sending e-mail and checking, etc.
2/13/00 12:26:14 PM,Nancy,We will return to the CPA firm in the fall, to prepare for filing taxes in the spring.
2/13/00 12:27:09 PM,Nancy,I've included the 1999 progress mentioned in Item 3 into the Annual Report. If there are no comments (and I asked for them earlier), we can move onto a motion to approve the Annual Report draft. Any changes suggested?
2/13/00 12:27:44 PM,Ron,None here
2/13/00 12:28:49 PM,Nancy,Note I've mentioned there that the $1,500 loss is being recovered. I heard from the Detective (now promoted to Captain) and the Judge involved and the check is in the mail. So we can plan on an additional $1,500 to be disbursed today, if we want.
2/13/00 12:29:21 PM,Nancy,If there are no changes to the Annual Report, then I'd entertain a motion and second to confirm the draft as the final, etc.
2/13/00 12:29:42 PM,Nancy,While we're waiting for that, I'll discuss Item 5.
2/13/00 12:30:37 PM,Nancy,I failed to mention, during the January 9, 2000 meeting, that the Board approved via e-mail vote to offer Geson's clip at $5 to individuals, free to organizations.
2/13/00 12:31:15 PM,Ron,I move that we accept agenda Item 4 as presented.
2/13/00 12:31:26 PM,Roger,I second the motion.
2/13/00 12:31:49 PM,Nancy,By the by, I heard from an organization of artists, someone with an IBM e-mail addy, interested in getting a copy. I asked for snail mail under letterhead, etc. So interest has started! Geson is sending the Beta Master at present. I hope to get $500 disbursed today, to make video dups in Madison.
2/13/00 12:32:15 PM,Nancy,A motion has been made and seconded to accept the Annual Report draft as presented. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No.
2/13/00 12:32:16 PM,Nancy,Yes
2/13/00 12:32:22 PM,Roger,yes
2/13/00 12:32:24 PM,Ron,yes
2/13/00 12:32:34 PM,Gerard,yes
2/13/00 12:32:47 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] yes
2/13/00 12:33:29 PM,Nancy,Also, the corrected Donor Log has been noted and included as a link off the Agenda. We list 3 donors as anonymous, per their request.
2/13/00 12:34:04 PM,Nancy,While we're waiting for the vote to complete, lets move onto Item 6 - disbursement issues.
2/13/00 12:34:31 PM,Gerard,[Aron] yes
2/13/00 12:34:34 PM,Nancy,I'd like Ron to briefly address why he feels the PO system is superior to the current voucher system we are using.
2/13/00 12:35:42 PM,Nancy,An additional disbursement change requiring approval by the Board is to use $100 of the $500 approved for year 2000 Admin & Ops as a Petty Cash fund. Every ream of paper requires a voucher, else. We are doing this for Seed TEAM postage and seed, for instance, and this is similar.
2/13/00 12:36:05 PM,Nancy,The motion to adopt the Annual Report as presented passes.
2/13/00 12:36:43 PM,Ron,Basically, because the audit firm requested we do so. The Purchase Order is commenly used in business and understood all around. It can be used the same way as the old voucher ... just a different form. It can also be used for other things and is tracked automatically by QuickBooks. That's about it.
2/13/00 12:37:00 PM,Nancy,A 3rd disbursement point is to return $700 no longer required for an audit pool to the projects designated by the donor - light duty farm equipment.
2/13/00 12:38:09 PM,Nancy,We set aside $1,000 for an audit, but the CPA firm explained that audits are only done at the $100,000 mark, so what we had was a review. Thus, we expect $300 to more than cover the expense. Also, Ron's books were in better shape than expected! (Congrads Ron!)
2/13/00 12:38:57 PM,Nancy,If we return the $700 to the project the donor designated, then we have $3,600 for a Troy Bilt tiller adequate for acres and a trailer to pull it behind a car.
2/13/00 12:40:13 PM,Nancy,This is timely as we have an offer from a neighboring farm to use their garden space, and expect yet another several acres just down the road also by late spring! We will have 3 gardens! All within 1/2 mile of each other! So the tiller and trailer will get a lot of use.
2/13/00 12:40:21 PM,Ron,The trailer is important, as this tiller is VERY heavy and there may soon be up to 3 different parcels of land to work.
2/13/00 12:41:31 PM,Nancy,To expedite the meeting, if there are no questions or objections on the 4 items mentioned (1. PO system, 2. $100 as Petty Cash for A&O, 3. return $700, 4. spend the now $3,600 on Troy Bilt and trailer) then I'd entertain a motion to approve these as a group, as outlined in the Agenda.
2/13/00 12:42:15 PM,Nancy,We have also heard from our anonymous donor who designated the light duty farm equipment that an additonal gift to cover labor in harvesting seed would be a distinct possibility!
2/13/00 12:42:23 PM,Ron,I move that we accept these 4 items as presented.
2/13/00 12:42:40 PM,Nancy,While I'm waiting on Item 6 to wrap up, I'll move to explaining Item 7.
2/13/00 12:43:17 PM,Ron,I need a second to my move.
2/13/00 12:43:31 PM,Nancy,I'm please to announce that my film producer, who I think is Russian or of Russian ancestry, donated $10,000 as promised, and has indicated an additional $10,000 can be expected early June.
2/13/00 12:43:35 PM,Ron,or there should be more discussion.
2/13/00 12:44:33 PM,Nancy,There was no designation other than a mention in an earlier e-mail to help with the contractors, meaning the efforts ongoing to get the headquarters in shape.
2/13/00 12:45:06 PM,Nancy,As this is my expense, except as it relates to nonprofit projects or support of the nonprofit, I defer this to the Board.
2/13/00 12:45:24 PM,Ron,We need a vote to accept the gift of $10000.
2/13/00 12:46:13 PM,Roger,How would the PO system work for us as an internet company?
2/13/00 12:46:37 PM,Roger,In other words, how would it be different from the voucher system?
2/13/00 12:46:55 PM,Ron,I see no difference than any other company.
2/13/00 12:47:16 PM,Nancy,However, disbursement issues where I and Ron and Clipper have spent our own funds on nonprofit issues to get the headquarters offices or guest quarters setup or repaired, ahead of any Board disbursement as funds were not available, is something that relates to contractor expenses. Thus I've included them in the list of suggested disbursements.
2/13/00 12:47:26 PM,Ron,It really isn't different from the voucher system ... just another form.
2/13/00 12:48:10 PM,Nancy,Ron explained to me that for the person submitting an expense, or requesting a payment be made to a vendor, there is NO difference. It's just that the books deal with it in a different manner.
2/13/00 12:48:30 PM,Nancy,We would still provide a receipt for payment, or request that payment be made directly to a vendor, as today.
2/13/00 12:48:33 PM,Roger,Do the PO's have to be 'approved' in advance of the purchase? That would be in contrast with the voucher coming after the purchase.
2/13/00 12:48:37 PM,Ron,Two forms of a blank purchase order can be obtained from the Treasury section of the Inc. web site.
2/13/00 12:48:48 PM,Nancy,That was my question too, Roger, and I gather not.
2/13/00 12:49:28 PM,Roger,(Basically trying to spark discussion)
2/13/00 12:49:33 PM,Ron,We must approve all purchases anyway except reimbursement for seed team postage ... which should be itemized on a PO and sent to me.
2/13/00 12:49:39 PM,Nancy,So, Ron, what are the 2 forms? A pre-purchase form and a post-purchase form?
2/13/00 12:49:48 PM,Nancy,Good for you, Roger!!!
2/13/00 12:50:17 PM,Roger,Currently we don't fill out a form for seed team postage.
2/13/00 12:51:20 PM,Roger,The cost of mailing receipts, let alone the hassle of obtaining them, etc. would discourage some of our team members from seeking reimbursement.
2/13/00 12:51:31 PM,Nancy,Seed TEAM postage is Petty Cash. That's also an avenue in the Bylaws, if the Board approves the disbursement that way. Petty Cash is .. the Treasurer pays out as one goes along, reimbursing expenses, no PO required I would think. Or am I wrong?
2/13/00 12:52:00 PM,Ron,The two forms are an HTML file that comes up as a web page that can be printed, filled in, and either scanned and sent to me as a GIF; or you can download the blank PO as a word processing file, fill it out and attach to an email to me. This is mostly for the convience of the seed team as they don't have to include receipts for postage.
2/13/00 12:52:22 PM,Nancy,So, the PO is used as the Voucher form is today, to list what HAS been spent. Another form to itemize what is to be paid to a vendor, direct check from the Treasurer?
2/13/00 12:52:40 PM,Ron,I would like the expense to be reported on a PO form for my records.
2/13/00 12:53:18 PM,Nancy,This is actually just an internal change, right Ron? No difference in the routines we follow today, no change in the Bylaws required, right?
2/13/00 12:53:22 PM,Ron,This is all explained in the Treasury section of the Inc. web site.
2/13/00 12:53:42 PM,Ron,No change to anything, really.
2/13/00 12:54:06 PM,Ron,It just gives us some flexability and makes the auditors happy.
2/13/00 12:54:33 PM,Nancy,As a Petty Cash fund, the Seed TEAM postage is just that the hubs report to Ron what should be reimbursed. Instead of an e-mail, just fill out a PO form, or we here at headquarters can use a PO form for you from e-mail, if need be. Same steps to be taken, same results. Reimbursement goes directly to the growers and hubs.
2/13/00 12:54:40 PM,Ron,It also helps tremendously with my paper trail that goes with the Books.
2/13/00 12:55:19 PM,Roger,Sounds cool to me. What is the URL so I can take a look at the forms?
2/13/00 12:55:56 PM,Ron,http://www.zetatalk.com/nonproft/treasury/
2/13/00 12:56:52 PM,Nancy,In our Bylaws, we state a voucher needs to be submitted, so we are placing this before the Board. It is, in fact, transparent to those interacting with Ron, except that the form looks different. Internally, in his books, the accounting is cleaner.
2/13/00 12:57:19 PM,Nancy,Is anyone getting e-mail or checking with Shirley?
2/13/00 12:57:44 PM,Roger,I like this form better than the old voucher form.
2/13/00 12:58:14 PM,Roger,I second the Ron's motion on agenda item #6 (disbursement issues).
2/13/00 12:58:49 PM,Nancy,OK, Ron made a motion to accept the disbursement changes outlined in Item 6. Do we have a second? Again they are 1. use PO system internally, 2. $100 as Petty Cash in A&O, 3. return $700 from audit to project, 4. authorize Troy Bilt and trailer for $3,600 or so.
2/13/00 12:59:15 PM,Nancy,A motion has been made and seconded to approve disbursement changes as outlined above and in Item 6. All in faovr say Yes, opposed No.
2/13/00 12:59:16 PM,Nancy,Yes
2/13/00 12:59:27 PM,Roger,yes
2/13/00 12:59:48 PM,Gerard,yes
2/13/00 1:00:37 PM,Gerard,[Aron] yes for 1234
2/13/00 1:00:43 PM,Nancy,Returning to Item 7. We do indeed need to accept this $10,000 non-designated gift. Should be an easy call. I want to point out that the reason the Board must accept gifts over $1,000 is to keep the nonprofit from being dominated by donor designations, or donor gifts, in fact.
2/13/00 1:00:53 PM,Ron,yes
2/13/00 1:01:25 PM,Ron,I move that we accept the recent $10000 gift.
2/13/00 1:01:33 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] yes
2/13/00 1:01:39 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] for item 3,
2/13/00 1:02:10 PM,Nancy,For instance, in spring of 2003 (5 years from getting IRS nonprofit approval) we will get an IRS review. At that time, should any donor be over 10% or so of the total, 90% not from the general public, the nonprofit can be considered a private foundation, I think. Something like that, anyway.
[Jurian] 4 even
2/13/00 1:02:45 PM,Gerard,[Aron] I second the motion to accept
2/13/00 1:02:56 PM,Roger,Will the review come before the 12th?
2/13/00 1:03:31 PM,Nancy,Right now, we have $1,500 from me, $1,000 from Anonymous 1 in total, $1,000 from Anonymous 2, $3,000 from the Whites last September, $16,800 from Anonymous 3, and now $10,000 with a promise of an additional $10,000 from Nicholas Kobusch and family.
2/13/00 1:04:18 PM,Nancy,The motion was for items 1, 2, 3, 4. Is Jurian voting NO on the first portion? We need his vote or Shirley's as a quorum.
2/13/00 1:04:52 PM,Nancy,A motion has been made and seconded to accept the $10,000 gift. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No.
2/13/00 1:05:00 PM,Nancy,Yes
2/13/00 1:05:22 PM,Ron,yes
2/13/00 1:05:37 PM,Gerard,yes
2/13/00 1:05:49 PM,Roger,yes
2/13/00 1:05:57 PM,Gerard,[Aron] yes
2/13/00 1:06:14 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] yes
2/13/00 1:06:30 PM,Ron,Shirley still hasn't even shown up on email ... must have had a hard computer failure.
2/13/00 1:07:12 PM,Nancy,The motion to accept the Gift passes. I think the motion to accept disbursement changes passed too, but want clarification from Jurian that he meant yes to 1, 2, 3, 4.
2/13/00 1:10:32 PM,Nancy,We in fact have $11,500 to disburse, assuming the $1,500 loss returned. No need to spend all of it, but there are some things burning to be addressed.
2/13/00 1:12:09 PM,Nancy,The top priority, in my opinion, is $500 for disbursing Geson's clip. I heard today from an interested group, and if things heat up, there could be demand aplenty. I expect his Beta Master this coming week, and will take that to Madison for duplication at $500 for 100 if approved. I also spent $48 or so to get CD copies made, as we only had the single master and I had to sent a copy to Jason Martell for the video streaming.
2/13/00 1:12:15 PM,Roger,I have an email from Shirley. She can't get Netmeeting to work and is having problems with her cable connection. The email was sent about half an hour ago (sorry I didn't check it sooner).
2/13/00 1:12:46 PM,Nancy,So, I think we need to bump that up to $750 as Geson will also be submitting some expenses related to making the Beta Master, and shipping same air mail.
2/13/00 1:13:36 PM,Nancy,Reassure her that her vote is not hanging fire, as we have a quorum, as there have been no burning issues to discuss, just the Agenda. Thanks Roger!
2/13/00 1:14:12 PM,Ron,Well, technically, the first $250 he was sent was to produce and ship video's for Board review. The shipping never happened.
2/13/00 1:16:48 PM,Nancy,An additional high priority item is completion of the Storm Shelter which recieved a designation of $2,000 from the Whites last September. We need $1,500 to bring total to $3,500 - $2,000 for the pre-built shelter, $500 to ship, and $500 to backhoe the hole out, then potentially another $500 to push dirt back in, etc. which may be more than is needed. In any case, we need the hole dug before the unit is shipped.
2/13/00 1:16:56 PM,Ron,I agree, however that an allocation of $750 would give us some room to make sure this gets done.
2/13/00 1:16:59 PM,Roger,I was beginning to wonder about that. He's done such an excellent creative job, but has he been careful with his expenses and use of the funds?
2/13/00 1:18:09 PM,Nancy,Ron, the e-mail vote last July noted that his out of pocket expenses were $280 over and above the $250 the Board approved. We approved the additional $280 based on his out of pocket. So he is still running up expenses, for this EXCELLENT product free of charge from the artist!
2/13/00 1:18:15 PM,Roger,Oh, I also remember that he only reluctantly (at least in appearance) accepted our funding (he was willing to donate his time, etc.).
2/13/00 1:18:42 PM,Nancy,I think one could expect to pay $25,000 for this, full charge to an advertising agency.
2/13/00 1:19:15 PM,Roger,I don't have a problem with the additional $250 allocation in anticipation of his expenses.
2/13/00 1:19:24 PM,Ron,Well, as I understand it, he used his own funds to produce the video and we are really reimbursing some of that expense. I'm somewhat uncomfortable with it in that nothing was ever vouchered and I have no receipts at all from him ... and don't expect to get any.
2/13/00 1:20:15 PM,Roger,He may also be estimating his expenses in US dollars and not be able to accurately account for them all for our records.
2/13/00 1:20:32 PM,Nancy,Yet a third high priority item is hardware for the servers we want to built this year. I talked to my husband in Silicon Valley about this, asking if he still wants to do this for us, and he offered to give us a hardware list and options via e-mail, for review by a committee I'd like to extablish at this meeting.
2/13/00 1:21:06 PM,Nancy,Ron, if someone offered you a running pickup truck, for $5, would you be uncomfortable because you hadn't seen the bill-of-sale from the original dealer?
2/13/00 1:21:15 PM,Ron,I agree with Nancy that we got a really good deal and I don't plan to quibble over it.
2/13/00 1:21:20 PM,Nancy,The proof is in the product! It's fantastic!
2/13/00 1:21:37 PM,Roger,I'd happily be on that committee (though not as its chair).
2/13/00 1:22:20 PM,Roger,If paper becomes an issue re: Geson, then we could always ask him to make out a consultant's bill.
2/13/00 1:22:34 PM,Nancy,Jan confirmed the USD amount, as was noted in the e-mail motion and vote. It was 4,000 plus 500 SKR or some such Norwegian dollar notation. Jan computed this for us, as $530 total, USD at that time.
2/13/00 1:22:44 PM,Nancy,Roger, good point.
2/13/00 1:23:06 PM,Ron,I don't see it as an issue as I have the Board Meeting logs to back up any expendatures.
2/13/00 1:23:25 PM,Nancy,Roger, swell! I had hoped and expected that Jurian likewise would be, and perhaps Gerard.
2/13/00 1:23:46 PM,Gerard,well of course :)
2/13/00 1:23:53 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] I have a small question, just curious, but why don't we use IRC for the board meetings? Now only windows users can attend, mac people, and linux/unix people can't attend in an easy way, and thus Gerard has to do a load of work. Using IRC would be easier, wouldn't it? Most of us already use it for the chat's every now and then.
2/13/00 1:23:55 PM,Nancy,Ron, sometimes receipts get lost, and we have to allow for alternative means, I would think.
2/13/00 1:24:26 PM,Ron,The main thing is that Linux must be able to work with the hardware ... device drivers, etc.
2/13/00 1:25:15 PM,Nancy,Jurian, this was discussed when the nonprofit formed, and as I recall, at least a portion of the attendees can share a white board, or audio, we are using this as the standard. In the beginning, I linked to Shirley via audio, for instance.
2/13/00 1:25:56 PM,Ron,I now have Shirley on voice.
2/13/00 1:26:05 PM,Nancy,We could have a committee of 5 - Jurian, Gerard, Roger, Ron, and my husband Ernie as the Principal. This allows a vote of 3 to rule, so to speak, breaking the tie.
2/13/00 1:26:14 PM,Nancy,Ron :-) Good deal!
2/13/00 1:26:30 PM,Nancy,Jurian, would you agree to be the chair?
2/13/00 1:27:14 PM,Ron,Nancy, would you do a recap of the agenda items that have been approved so I can read to Shirley?
2/13/00 1:27:29 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] I would
2/13/00 1:27:59 PM,Roger,I have a short list of wholesale hardware suppliers here in the US and will offer price checking, etc.
2/13/00 1:28:42 PM,Nancy,OK, I'd entertain a motion to disburse $750 for clip duplication. Also a motion to disburse $1,500 to complete the Storm Shelter (we're holding $2,000 for this, in escrow). Also a motion to disburse $4,000 or so for hardward costs for dual servers. Also a motion to form an executive committee on this project.
2/13/00 1:29:24 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] It would be easier if these meetings were on IRC, so mac/unix/linux people could attend as well, without Gerard having to work his hand off with his mouse :)
2/13/00 1:29:45 PM,Nancy,Ron, agenda Items 1, 4, and 6 were approved as written. This was confirmation of election results, approval of Annual Report, and disbursements issues 1234.
2/13/00 1:30:01 PM,Nancy,Oh, also Item 7, acceptance of $10,000 gift.
2/13/00 1:30:35 PM,Nancy,Jurian, but you'd be precluding voice communication with Shirley, for instance, and technology is improving all the time.
2/13/00 1:31:06 PM,Nancy,As chair of the committee on server development, you could dictate that the discussions be on IRC of course (an added incentive?)
2/13/00 1:31:37 PM,Nancy,Jurian, as a Board Member, you are free to made a motion anytime you wish!
2/13/00 1:32:13 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] Yes, but I can make mIRC talk all the text on IRC, so that would not HAVE to be a problem, or am I seeing this too simple?
2/13/00 1:32:30 PM,Nancy,Roger, that would be great! My husband likewise is going to research prices in a week or so (working 12 hour days at present) and this would be a good check and balance!
2/13/00 1:32:58 PM,Roger,I move that we allocate $750 for video production, $4000 for server project, and the formation of an executive committee for the server project.
2/13/00 1:33:24 PM,Nancy,Jurian, does IRC have voice communication? I thought only the log?
2/13/00 1:33:50 PM,Nancy,Do we have a 2nd on Roger's motion?
2/13/00 1:33:55 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] I'm just a new member.. dont wanna go trying to change stuff right away, that's just not me.. :)
2/13/00 1:34:59 PM,Roger,Don't be so trepidatious Jurian. We need new fire from time to time.
2/13/00 1:35:07 PM,Nancy,Well, that's what new members are FOR! Fresh views, etc. So consider it, for next meeting etc.
2/13/00 1:35:14 PM,Ron,Shirley second's Roger's mothon.
2/13/00 1:35:17 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] I second that motion
2/13/00 1:36:23 PM,Nancy,A motion has been made and seconded to disburse $750 for clip duplication and $4,000 for server hardware costs, and formation of an executive committee to guide the hardward purchase. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No.
[Jurian] Nancy: I have a tool to make mIRC talk, and I could write a small script to automate that, so in a way, it has voice comm, just no microphone.
2/13/00 1:36:40 PM,Nancy,Yes
2/13/00 1:36:45 PM,Roger,yes
2/13/00 1:36:49 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] Could someone ask Shirley if she'd be ok with using IRC, if I'd help her by making a talking mIRC?
2/13/00 1:37:04 PM,Gerard,yes
2/13/00 1:37:29 PM,Nancy,Jurian, you'd need to have a test run with her on that, as proof of the pudding. She's available I know on that type of thing, begs for it, in fact.
2/13/00 1:37:41 PM,Ron,yes
2/13/00 1:37:48 PM,Ron,Shirley votes yes
2/13/00 1:38:24 PM,Nancy,While we're waiting for the votes to come in, further discussion of Item 7 disbursement ideas.
2/13/00 1:39:37 PM,Nancy,I know that Clipper could really use the $855 he spent out of pocket to travel here to put in the cottage door and rebuild two flights of stairs that would be potentially used by the public, and to replace rotten wood on an end of the front poarch.
2/13/00 1:40:29 PM,Nancy,He did not expect to be reimbrused, so did not save his receipts, but I picked him up at the airport and know he had to ship the miter box saw at a cost of $55, and mentioned $800 plane fare from Fairbanks, round trip.
2/13/00 1:41:14 PM,Ron,Shirley says she would be delighted with a talking mIRC and would work with Jurian on it.
2/13/00 1:41:47 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] I'll contact Shirley about that then, once I get my email stuff in linux working right, and see what we can come up with
2/13/00 1:42:30 PM,Nancy,Also Ron spent his own funds on a power washer and power sprayer to clean the exterior (this is a big house, dirty, and the cottage likewise needs to be stained this year) at a cost of $171 and $150. And I spent $44 for remover and stain and varnish for 3 exterior doors that were horrendously caked and dried.
[Aron] you could also use it for what you need with the storm shelter, yes?
2/13/00 1:43:28 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] OK :-)
2/13/00 1:43:50 PM,Nancy,We have a vote running on $750 for clip distribution and $4,000 for server hardware and committee formation. I do not have Aron's or Jurian's vote on that yet.
2/13/00 1:44:12 PM,Nancy,Any further disbursement issues have not been proposed formally as a motion and second, Aron.
2/13/00 1:44:38 PM,Ron,Nancy, did you count Shirley's yes vote?
2/13/00 1:44:51 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] Yes
2/13/00 1:44:56 PM,Roger,Do all of these expenses really need motions and votes? I see the point with large ones (Clipper's), but can these be placed in the regular PO process and approved automatically?
[Aron] I said yes for item 7
2/13/00 1:46:07 PM,Roger,Automatically as part of the budget?
2/13/00 1:46:32 PM,Ron,Even with the PO process, all items except for petty cash must be approved.
2/13/00 1:46:47 PM,Nancy,I likewise spent $3,000 or so on electrical upgrade before I was aware I could get an interest free loan for this, and am broke. However, 1/3 of this $3,000 was to put power in the 2 front rooms used as offices by the nonprofit. Likewise spent $400 plus on paint for the interior, of which $103.50 was for the 2 front rooms. Likewise spent $126.66 on lumber for the stairs that Clipper rebuilt.
2/13/00 1:47:14 PM,Nancy,The motion to disburse $750 and $4,000 passes.
2/13/00 1:48:41 PM,Nancy,I propose that we band an executive committee chaired by Jurian and composed of Gerard, Roger, Ron, and the Principal on the grant (Ernest Watkins, my husband) to review and approve proposed hardware purchases. The server would be built from parts in Silicon Valley and shipped to headquarters.
2/13/00 1:49:00 PM,Roger,Sorry, I just foresee these meetings getting bogged down with $20 for this and $50 for that... Surely there is a way we could write a budget to cover categories and then make motions for extraneous and/or big ticket items that are outside of the budget.
2/13/00 1:49:02 PM,Nancy,If this proposal is welcomed, then I'd entertain a motion and second on same.
2/13/00 1:49:39 PM,Roger,I make move that we accept Nancy's proposal.
2/13/00 1:50:21 PM,Nancy,Roger, I put this all in the Agenda, Item 7, a table, and one could make a motion to reimburse out of pocket expenses paid, as outlined there. Specifically Worm Bed, Wetlands rice, Guest Cottage expenses, and Headquarters Maint. expenses. This would be a one-step motion.
2/13/00 1:51:49 PM,Nancy,Roger, the out of pocket already spent come to $3,811.49. These items were discussed in November, also, and the Board approved adding them to the Admin & Ops grant proposal, but did not approve paying them at that time as funding was not available.
2/13/00 1:52:43 PM,Nancy,I should note that the $250 for an antique washer with wringer, and $120.75 for a bushel of wild rice, were not discussed in November. These are separate issues, separate projects, ete.
2/13/00 1:53:02 PM,Roger,Well, duh, it's just that in the need to give opportunity for discussion, these items are brought up again in the meeting. I move that we approve the dispersals as written in item #7.
2/13/00 1:53:21 PM,Nancy,Is there a second to Roger's motion to form an executive committe, as proposed?
2/13/00 1:54:30 PM,Gerard,[Aron] I second Roger's motion
2/13/00 1:55:02 PM,Nancy,Please note that even after the disbursals, there will be an additional $1,500 coming back from Pennsylvania as recovered loss, and Ron reports that we have almost $1,000 additional EVEN AFTER THE SEED TEAM GETS ITS FULL DUE FROM THE JOHN KELSO DONATIONS to disburse.
2/13/00 1:55:37 PM,Nancy,We are not, at present, hurting for funding. We are almost behind the curve in getting our projects ahead of the funding! (pant pant pant)
2/13/00 1:55:58 PM,Roger,Non-profits can't have money for a moment?
2/13/00 1:56:36 PM,Nancy,A motion has been made and seconded to form an executive committee composed of Jurian (as chair), Roger, Ron, Gerard, and principal Ernie, for hardward review and guidance. All in favor say Yes, opposed No.
2/13/00 1:56:37 PM,Nancy,Yes
2/13/00 1:56:43 PM,Roger,Let's breathe a moment and hold some cash for something unforeseen. We've got most of the year left.
2/13/00 1:56:45 PM,Roger,yes
2/13/00 1:56:59 PM,Gerard,yes
2/13/00 1:57:12 PM,Ron,yes
2/13/00 1:57:19 PM,Ron,Shirley votes yes
2/13/00 1:57:48 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] yes
2/13/00 1:57:51 PM,Nancy,Yes, $2,500 non-disbursed, and another $10,000 coming in early June (as promised), and who knows what else, but we need to move on some of the projects already funded as sometimes there are unforseen expenses, etc.
2/13/00 1:58:03 PM,Gerard,[Aron] yes
2/13/00 1:59:17 PM,Nancy,By the way, we orderd hydroponic equipment, except for fish tanks which will become cow watering tanks instead (Harvest Moon's tank is 86" wide for 47" wide exterior stairs!). And Ichi is coming back to be caretaker of hydroponics and fish tanks and all. He'll develop recipes too.
2/13/00 1:59:27 PM,Roger,How much is the Seed Team due?
2/13/00 1:59:45 PM,Nancy,Also, composting into worm beds and using earthworms as food, Ichi's projects, etc.
2/13/00 2:00:32 PM,Nancy,The motion on the executive committee passes. Jurian, I'll send you e-mail addy for all right after the meeting.
2/13/00 2:00:46 PM,Roger,I received my yearbook from Seed Savers and could compile a proposed order. I've ordered about $150 worth of seed that I have no where to plant at the moment.
2/13/00 2:00:53 PM,Nancy,Ron, isn't there $505 or maybe $600+ now?
2/13/00 2:02:02 PM,Nancy,Roger, I think we're getting space up here, etc., but we also have a ton of seed from last year. We're looking to you and Toni for a proposal on how to plant the 3 gardens, in fact. Good to see you this March, very timely visit!
2/13/00 2:02:10 PM,Roger,How much of my seed should I bring along in March?
2/13/00 2:02:11 PM,Ron,I have to check ...brb
2/13/00 2:02:35 PM,Nancy,Oh, we were going to return OUR seed with YOU :-). I don't know, lets take this off-line.
2/13/00 2:03:02 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] Nancy: ok :)
2/13/00 2:03:08 PM,Roger,Sure, though later as I am about to have to be excused from the meeting
2/13/00 2:04:32 PM,Roger,BTW, I did make a motion for accepting the remainder of Agenda item #7.
2/13/00 2:05:20 PM,Nancy,Roger made a motion to disburse funding as outlined in Item 7, We have already disbursed clip and hardware for $750 and $4,000. Left in the Item 7 table are Worm Bed wringers/washer $250, wild rice bushel planted $120.75, Guest Cottage out of pocket $1,793, and Headquarters Maint. $1,647.74
2/13/00 2:05:35 PM,Nancy,Roger, hold on just a moment!
2/13/00 2:06:34 PM,Nancy,We are building a dam, low dam, to raise the marsh water level up to where it was when Ron tried to drain the marsh (too many springs there), so the rice should hopefully do well. Cattail and arrrow root in there too.
2/13/00 2:06:36 PM,Ron,system is crashing so will be back in a few minutes
2/13/00 2:07:13 PM,Gerard,Ron left and Shirley left
2/13/00 2:07:15 PM,Nancy,We are planning catfish in the tanks, and could build ponds for them too, in the marsh, as they are indigenous to the area.
2/13/00 2:08:15 PM,Nancy,Ron and Shirley left together, and will be back together in about 5 minutes.
2/13/00 2:09:21 PM,Roger,I've gotta run. If my motion is seconded and voted upon, my vote is yes (of course since I made the motion :-).
2/13/00 2:09:30 PM,Nancy,We have an open motion from Roger. Does someone want to address these disbursement issues at all, in separate packages? I'd like to see Clipper reimbursed, at least, and frankly we all need the money that was spent. Tax bill is coming.
2/13/00 2:09:40 PM,Nancy,OK, Roger, thanks.
2/13/00 2:10:01 PM,Roger,Bye for now.
2/13/00 2:10:27 PM,Nancy,Unless we complete the Storm Shelter project, the $2,000 donated by the Whites just sits there, cannot move forward unless and until additional funds are donated.
2/13/00 2:11:29 PM,Nancy,They apparently thought it worthwhile. This is an example, that can be videotaped and demonstrated to visitors, of a pole shift shelter that is bermed, and has a metal roof. Quake and wind proof, and fire storm proof.
2/13/00 2:13:15 PM,Nancy,Ron will be building the worm beds this month too, from the $250 already disbursed. The plumbing is being upgraded in a week or so, so we can water and drain them. The wringer/washer is antique, but buying new wringers on a tub would cost funds anyway. This washer also shows mechanical operation of washer, so doubles as an old manual tool kind of demo. One drops worms into the water, then wrings them to purge them.
2/13/00 2:13:42 PM,Nancy,Ron is struggling with his system, and may have to vote by voice, via our intercom.
2/13/00 2:14:04 PM,Gerard,ok
2/13/00 2:14:22 PM,Nancy,We have Ron via intercom, Roger left the meeting, Shirley is waiting for Ron, and Jurian and Aron on IRC.
2/13/00 2:14:35 PM,Nancy,Do we have any discussion on disbursement issues?
2/13/00 2:14:46 PM,Nancy,Any thoughts, negative or positive?
2/13/00 2:15:10 PM,Nancy,The meeting has been going on for 2 hours, and these issues either need to be settled or tabled until next meeting.
2/13/00 2:16:11 PM,Gerard,[Aron] well I'd like to second the motion for Clipper's reimbursment and the storm shelter
2/13/00 2:16:57 PM,Nancy,A motion has been made and seconded to reimburse Clipper $855 for travel expenses and $1,500 to complete the Storm Shelter project. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No.
2/13/00 2:16:58 PM,Nancy,Yes
2/13/00 2:17:12 PM,Gerard,yes
2/13/00 2:17:19 PM,Nancy,Yes for Roger, who mentioned his vote in absentia.
2/13/00 2:18:11 PM,Gerard,[Aron] yes
2/13/00 2:18:34 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] yes
2/13/00 2:18:49 PM,Nancy,Ron votes Yes over the intercom
2/13/00 2:19:05 PM,Nancy,The motion passes.
2/13/00 2:20:02 PM,Nancy,Any further discussion on disbursement issues?
2/13/00 2:20:26 PM,Nancy,What are the guys on IRC talking about? What are your thoughts?
2/13/00 2:21:31 PM,Gerard,no futher discussion from my side :)
2/13/00 2:21:38 PM,Gerard,[Aron] I was just going to ask if we'd cover all the items on the agenda for number 7?
2/13/00 2:23:37 PM,Nancy,No, remaining are $250 for the wringer/washer, $120.75 for the bushel of wild rice, Guest Cottage $938 (includes reconnecting utilities last spring for Ron to live there and tools) and $1647 for headquarters maint (includes electric, paint, lumber, tools which will be the nonprofits if approved).
[Aron] I mean if we've covered.
[Aron] am I getting through?
2/13/00 2:24:13 PM,Nancy,Aron, yes, I hear you, but I had to compile the response. Sorry for the time lag.
2/13/00 2:25:17 PM,Nancy,Now, the wringer/washer pretty much completes the worm bed requirements. Also, the wetlands as foods is operational except for catfish ponds at some point. We have springs galor in the marsh, so water flow arrangements should not be a problem.
2/13/00 2:26:20 PM,Nancy,The guest cottage needs additional funding, couple new windows and wall repair, but this can't be done now and we're swamped with projects as it is. All labor on all projects is FREE, so far.
2/13/00 2:27:42 PM,Nancy,After disbursing out of pocket, we still have $2,500 available and not set aside (disbursed and committed) and another $10,000 promised this June, and maybe other donors in the wings for all we know. So new projects, with Principals, are welcome!
2/13/00 2:27:51 PM,Ron,now I have to try to get Shirley back
2/13/00 2:28:17 PM,Gerard,[Aron] so I'd like the idea that the worm bed and rice paddies could be taken care of today so let me make a motion to vote on those!
2/13/00 2:29:01 PM,Nancy,I plan to write to Jay and Darrell, in Nebraska, about video of their windmills. Also, we learned there is an Amish community here, 20 miles away, which could be filmed. Also, Olli in Finland for Wood Gas, perhaps. So gathering demo videos is in my plans.
2/13/00 2:29:59 PM,Nancy,Aron has seconded the portion of Roger's motion to approve disbursement outlined in Item 7, as to the $250 for Worm Bed wringer/washer and $120.75 for wild rice sown. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No.
2/13/00 2:30:00 PM,Nancy,Yes
2/13/00 2:30:45 PM,Ron,yes
2/13/00 2:30:50 PM,Gerard,[Aron] and I'm wondering how much of the equiptment you are buying now will be useable after the shift? Like the power washer etc, is that gas powered?
2/13/00 2:31:02 PM,Gerard,yes
2/13/00 2:32:19 PM,Nancy,Aron, is electric. So, if one had a windmill .. however, it would be used extensively on nonprofit buildings in the area, or could travel to other sites and be used. For instance, the tiller purchased last spring could return with Roger to Kansas for seed gardens there, Ron's suggestion due to the Troy Bilt approved here.
2/13/00 2:32:52 PM,Gerard,[Aron] I vote yes
2/13/00 2:33:22 PM,Nancy,I vote Yes for Roger in absentia, per his request.
[Jurian] Question; will there be a separate mailing list for the server stuff? Or will we use the normal Inc list?
2/13/00 2:34:13 PM,Nancy,Jurian, you're the chair, a mailing list sounds very good! My husband does NOT have internet connection at home at present, and at work is utterly swamped working 12 hour days. But e-mail he can handle from work!
2/13/00 2:34:42 PM,Gerard,[Aron] Why not just cc regular email?
2/13/00 2:34:46 PM,Nancy,The motion on wringer/washer and wild rice sown is awaiting either Shirley's or Jurian's vote.
[Aron] Good, good
[Jurian] I was wondering if all members should see the emails, or only the committee? I think everyone should be allowed to read them.. :)
2/13/00 2:35:35 PM,Nancy,Jurian, I think eGroups has something where the public can view them on web browser, but only those wanting get e-mail. I'd prefer to hear the conclusions only, being so busy, etc.
2/13/00 2:36:03 PM,Ron,I can't find Shirley on the serever
2/13/00 2:36:31 PM,Nancy,How votes Jurian on the wringer/washer and wild rice sown reimbursement?
2/13/00 2:37:06 PM,Gerard, [Jurian] I vote yes on the wringer/washer thing
2/13/00 2:37:13 PM,Nancy,The motion passes.
2/13/00 2:37:20 PM,Ron,Anyone not wanting to receive the regular egroups discussion can always be set up as web only.
2/13/00 2:37:41 PM,Gerard, [Aron] I aprove of the spending for the cottage and HQ and here make a motion to vote on the disbursment.
2/13/00 2:38:05 PM,Ron,I second the motion
2/13/00 2:39:00 PM,Nancy,The only remaining disbursement issues proposed are to reimburse out of pocket for supplies already spent on the Guest Cottage and headquarters maint., and tools that would then be the property of the nonprofit (as the garden tiller and chipper are) and cost or turning on utilities on the cottage, and fixing up the 2 front rooms, etc. I could use the money to pay my tax bill, which will be horendous and I'm broke, guys.
2/13/00 2:39:33 PM,Nancy,8 votecalls already and what a meeting this has been!
2/13/00 2:39:58 PM,Ron,we have a motion and a second ... vote?
2/13/00 2:40:48 PM,Nancy,A motion has been made and seconded twice to reimburse on the Guest Cottage and Headquarters expenses are outlined in the Item 7 table and mentioned twice in the log. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No.
2/13/00 2:40:50 PM,Nancy,Yes
2/13/00 2:41:00 PM,Ron,yes
2/13/00 2:41:08 PM,Gerard,yes
2/13/00 2:41:17 PM,Gerard,[Jurian] yes
2/13/00 2:42:32 PM,Nancy,Yes for Roger in absentia per his request. The motion passes.
[Aron] yes
2/13/00 2:42:55 PM,Nancy,This concludes the scheduled business for today. Is there any additional business to discuss?
2/13/00 2:43:24 PM,Gerard,not by me
2/13/00 2:43:29 PM,Ron,Not from me
2/13/00 2:43:36 PM,Gerard,[Aron] yes
2/13/00 2:43:41 PM,Nancy,Jurian, I will put out an e-mail to the committee, announcing the formation of the committee, and by this you will see the e-mail addy's.
2/13/00 2:43:58 PM,Nancy,Aron has additional business?
2/13/00 2:44:19 PM,Gerard,[Aron] yes
2/13/00 2:44:40 PM,Gerard,
[Aron] Could I get a cd or video of geson's clip to show out here re the passage?[Aron] not urgent but I'm curious
2/13/00 2:44:43 PM,Nancy,Aron, give me a snail mail address and I'll send out a CD-ROM today!
2/13/00 2:44:54 PM,Nancy,Want it to your west coast addy?
2/13/00 2:46:37 PM,Nancy,The quality on CD-ROM is so much better than the streaming video. Ron and I were discussing this. Apparently, one can stream to keep up the pace, or stream to deliver over the Internet to play after it is all received. The latter takes longer, more bytes, but is better quality. I think our video clips on the server should be small, good quality, and encourage the public to get the whole thing and then play it! I mean, the difference is night and day!!!
2/13/00 2:46:41 PM,Gerard,[Aron] yes yes
2/13/00 2:46:50 PM,Nancy,OK Aron, it's in the mail!
2/13/00 2:47:09 PM,Nancy,If there is no further business, I'd entertain a motion to adjourn.
2/13/00 2:47:17 PM,Ron,I make a motion that we adjourn