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Board Meeting
April 26, 1998
"4/26/98 11:33:23 AM","Nancy","The Board Meeting will please come to order. We have a quorum and are expecting more members shortly."
"4/26/98 11:33:42 AM","Nancy","The agenda has been posted on the whiteboard, and put on the IRC log for those on IRC"
"4/26/98 11:34:13 AM","Nancy","First on the agenda is an MTV Grant Proposal. I placed this on the web for everyone to read about a week ago."
"4/26/98 11:34:35 AM","Nancy","Essentially, it states that Geson and Mitchel will be the principals."
"4/26/98 11:34:49 AM","Nancy","Gerard, are you transferring this to the IRC log?"
"4/26/98 11:34:59 AM","Gerard","I will do it "
"4/26/98 11:35:18 AM","Nancy","Could someone also check the list of names for Shirley? She needs to be joined, as she cannot do this for herself!"
"4/26/98 11:35:49 AM","Jan","Nancy, I have read the Vide proposal. It looks good. Btw, what does MTV mean - doe it have anything to do with the MTV channel or what?"
"4/26/98 11:36:14 AM","Gerard","Yes, the tv station MTV"
"4/26/98 11:36:19 AM","Gerard","Music Television"
"4/26/98 11:36:34 AM","Nancy","I've included what Geson and Mitchel wanted to include - animation of pole shift, volcanoe film clips, etc. and mentioned the costs they had earlier discussed, such as film splicing equipment."
"4/26/98 11:37:09 AM","Nancy","I added including PAST evidence of pole shifts, as this came up in the IRS 1023 response. We need to give information that allows the public to come to their own conclusions, etc."
"4/26/98 11:37:13 AM","Gerard","PS, maybe i will go off now and then.. but just accept my vote if i aint there"
"4/26/98 11:37:35 AM","Nancy","Any questions about this Grant Proposal, which I think should be put on the web for funding requests."
"4/26/98 11:37:52 AM","Clipper","None here"
"4/26/98 11:37:54 AM","Nancy","The cost at $3,000 is a swag at this time, but I think is reasonable. "
"4/26/98 11:38:56 AM","Nancy","I am posting Pat's proxy also, in case she is no longer on IRC. She has an extremely ill member of the family, quite serious, at home under her care at present. Gerard PS, maybe i will go off now and then.. but just accept my vote if i aint there"
"4/26/98 11:39:05 AM","Nancy","Ooops"
"4/26/98 11:39:17 AM","Nancy","Gerard
"4/26/98 11:39:19 AM","Clipper",":-)"
"4/26/98 11:39:58 AM","Jan","This is a question about funding from TT, right? Are there any other sources of funding? "
"4/26/98 11:40:34 AM","Nancy","Jan, MTV is short for TV something, but they are multi-media short TV clips, including music, film, mosly seeing a rock star singing, etc."
"4/26/98 11:40:35 AM","Jan","Is there any reason for mentioning MTV - has anybody contacts with the station, has the video been granted time on air?"
"4/26/98 11:40:52 AM","Nancy","It is a phrase meaning a short documentary, quite lively, I believe."
"4/26/98 11:41:15 AM","Jan","OK, I'm with you. "
"4/26/98 11:41:43 AM","Nancy","Jan, this is not on the agenda to be funded, this is only our vote to place the proposal on the web so that anyone wanting to fund something can see who is looking for funds, etc."
"4/26/98 11:41:57 AM","Nancy","The phase MTV seems to be confusing, I believe."
"4/26/98 11:42:17 AM","Nancy","Perhaps we should change that to be something that all would understand, and also have better connotations."
"4/26/98 11:42:21 AM","Nancy","Suggestions?"
"4/26/98 11:42:24 AM","Clipper","It seems that way. Maybe we should change it?"
"4/26/98 11:42:58 AM","Nancy","Why not just say Multi-Media Film Clip?"
"4/26/98 11:42:58 AM","Clipper","How about just video clip"
"4/26/98 11:43:05 AM","Nancy","Video covers it all!"
"4/26/98 11:43:09 AM","Clipper","Yea, I like that better"
"4/26/98 11:43:20 AM","Nancy","Clip? Is this a common word meaning short film strip, etc? "
"4/26/98 11:43:30 AM","Nancy","6 Minute Video Clip?"
"4/26/98 11:43:47 AM","Diana","actually a short clip, is called a vid-clip"
"4/26/98 11:43:50 AM","Nancy","OK, any other changes or concerns before we vote?"
"4/26/98 11:43:50 AM","Jan","Video covers it all."
"4/26/98 11:43:51 AM","Clipper","Yes, also my name:-) "
"4/26/98 11:44:26 AM","Clipper","No, as long as we agree on the name change."
"4/26/98 11:44:28 AM","Diana","this is from micheal: l. Can you ask her if she wants to ask me something? I can't run netmeeting btw."
"4/26/98 11:45:17 AM","Nancy","Di, ask Mitchel if $3,000 US dollars seems reasonable. We did discuss this, and he felt Geson should have input, was unsure. Ask him, please, at this time."
"4/26/98 11:45:25 AM","Diana","ok"
"4/26/98 11:45:44 AM","Nancy","While she is doing that, I will address the next item on the agenda to save a bit of time here."
"4/26/98 11:46:00 AM","Nancy","The second item is a Grant Proposal also, Seed Distribution."
"4/26/98 11:46:34 AM","Nancy","In essence, this would seek funding to cover mailing seeds back and forth, expenses incurred by the Seed TEAM in Troubled Times."
"4/26/98 11:46:57 AM","Nancy","Right now, we only know that 20 folks are participating, and can only guess at the volume of seed. "
"4/26/98 11:47:26 AM","Nancy","If we have a couple distribution points established in a few months, then some 18 folks will need to box up their seed and send it in."
"4/26/98 11:47:36 AM","Nancy","This might be $5-20 each, depending."
"4/26/98 11:47:46 AM","Clipper","If what I have prode as I suspect they will, I will have a bucket of tomatoe seeds alone."
"4/26/98 11:48:07 AM","Nancy","So, I put in $100 for this years, and suggested that the $100 gifted to us and currently in the Gift Pool be used for this purpose."
"4/26/98 11:48:13 AM","Clipper","Produce"
"4/26/98 11:48:35 AM","Nancy","Clipper, I think seeds are basically light, but the shipment will be bulky."
"4/26/98 11:49:02 AM","Nancy","We might also decide to allow each grower become a distributor, putting seeds in an envelope, etc."
"4/26/98 11:49:07 AM","Clipper","I am all for that, but remeber we can't use all $100 because I would have to close the account to get it all out."
"4/26/98 11:49:23 AM","Diana","from Micheal Tell Nancy:
I have been unable to find out the needed amount of money. To my opinion we need Geson with his experience with the work in order to calculate this in an apt way! 3.000,- sound like a lot to me, but I do not know if it is more than enough or that we need more.
"4/26/98 11:49:27 AM","Nancy","This has not been determined as yet, but I put in $100 estimate for 1998, $500 for 1999, and of course this can change. "
"4/26/98 11:49:29 AM","Gerard","whois Helena?"
"4/26/98 11:50:04 AM","Clipper","Shirley!"
"4/26/98 11:50:24 AM","Gerard","she is on"
"4/26/98 11:50:33 AM","Nancy","The $3,000 estimate is to cover more than just equipment rental, but also to cover making dups of the video. This equipment also needs to be rented, and mailing costs. If we get film of volcanoes erupting, we may have to PAY for this."
"4/26/98 11:50:37 AM","Clipper","Ask her to be sure"
"4/26/98 11:50:59 AM","Nancy","Also, special lighting if we make film ourselves, in a studio rented, perhaps."
"4/26/98 11:51:27 AM","Nancy","Better to have sufficient dollars in the estimate. $3,000 may be a lot for a student, but will not be for a donor, my thoughts."
"4/26/98 11:51:41 AM","Nancy","YES"
"4/26/98 11:51:52 AM","Nancy","I'm going to connect to her vocally, and bring her up to date!"
"4/26/98 11:52:04 AM","Jan","Since this is no actual funding, but a request for funding via the web, I don't think the actual amount is that important."
"4/26/98 11:52:12 AM","Nancy","Gerard, please attach her to the meeting!"
"4/26/98 11:52:32 AM","Nancy","I don't see her in the member list for this meeting roon!"
"4/26/98 11:52:57 AM","Nancy","Di, can you relay to Mitchel my reasons for the $3,000, the expenses to be covered?"
"4/26/98 11:53:08 AM","Diana","already done :)"
"4/26/98 11:53:20 AM","Nancy","Any other thoughts on this, the items to be covered, or the substance of the video, the content?"
"4/26/98 11:53:38 AM","Diana","ell her:
from micheal: I agree, but that just shows that we need someone with experience like Geson to know ho wmuch we need."
"4/26/98 11:53:42 AM","Nancy","But I don't see Helena in my member list for this roon?"
"4/26/98 11:53:55 AM","Clipper","Here she comes Nancy"
"4/26/98 11:53:58 AM","Nancy","Got her now! Be right back"
"4/26/98 11:54:34 AM","Nancy","I hate to ask this, but how do I connect to her voice."
"4/26/98 11:54:42 AM","Diana","I've got mike in ICQ chat, to keep him up-to-date"
"4/26/98 11:54:44 AM","Gerard","go to her name"
"4/26/98 11:55:00 AM","Clipper","She got her Gerard"
"4/26/98 11:55:07 AM","Jan","If only marginal cost is incured (i.e. you have all equipment and use it for free), and no costs have to be paid for vulcano clips, USD 3,000 may be much. If anything has to be rented, payable services used etc., then USD 3,000 may not be (too) much."
"4/26/98 11:55:43 AM","Clipper","I think $3000 US dollars sounds good."
"4/26/98 11:55:46 AM","Nancy","Gerard, you must read her the log! You and she are talking. Please let her go, voice contact, as she has NetMeeting 2.0 and can only talk to one."
"4/26/98 11:56:08 AM","Nancy","Gerard, let Shirley go from voice!"
"4/26/98 11:56:27 AM","Gerard","you can do it to.. your english is better then mine"
"4/26/98 11:56:29 AM","Clipper","Actually, Gerard and I are in voice. He does not have her"
"4/26/98 11:56:43 AM","Gerard","and i am already busy with pasting the log to irc"
"4/26/98 11:57:02 AM","Nancy","Gerard, please let her go from voice so I CAN TALK TO HER!"
"4/26/98 11:57:25 AM","Gerard","I am not talking to her"
"4/26/98 11:57:56 AM","Gerard","does it wok now"
"4/26/98 11:57:57 AM","Gerard","?"
"4/26/98 11:58:02 AM","Clipper","I think they are talking now."
"4/26/98 11:58:08 AM","Diana","(Michel) tell her: I agree on the 3000, but I want to know how flexible a grant request is.
"4/26/98 11:58:39 AM","Clipper","They are somewhat flexable. Grantors know this."
"4/26/98 11:58:41 AM","Diana","(Michel) if we need an extra 500 how will we do this?
"4/26/98 11:58:53 AM","Clipper","We will ask for more."
"4/26/98 11:59:20 AM","Clipper","A grant request is an estimate of the amount of monies needed"
"4/26/98 11:59:38 AM","Nancy","Please help me here. I don't know how to connect to her by voice. (Sorry as I now note that you and Diane are talking)"
"4/26/98 11:59:42 AM","Nancy","I'm talking now to Shirley."
"4/26/98 11:59:47 AM","Diana","(Michel) ok, if it is possible"
"4/26/98 12:00:16 PM","Clipper","All things are possible."
"4/26/98 12:00:17 PM","Gerard","I am right back... in about 5 - 6 minuts.. it's coffee time.. "
"4/26/98 12:00:36 PM","Gerard","sorry "
"4/26/98 12:00:45 PM","Nancy","If more $$ is needed, then the Board approves this from another pool that they have control over."
"4/26/98 12:01:21 PM","Nancy","Basically, any Grant Proposal is looking for funding, and when they get it, the outlay is NEVER exactly the same, so adjustments are made by the Board."
"4/26/98 12:01:27 PM","Clipper","That is the reason also for the gift pool."
"4/26/98 12:02:11 PM","Diana","Michel> I expected that to be best too yes
"4/26/98 12:02:22 PM","Nancy","I think that enough discussion has occurred, and to answer Jan, the equipment will have to be rented in some cases, but computer animation can be done for free."
"4/26/98 12:02:39 PM","Nancy","I'm looking for a vote on this now, would someone make a motion."
"4/26/98 12:03:32 PM","Clipper","I make a motion that the grant proposal for the multi-media film clip be put on the web"
"4/26/98 12:03:43 PM","Nancy","A second on this motion?"
"4/26/98 12:04:00 PM","Diana","i'll second"
"4/26/98 12:04:20 PM","Jan","I second Clipper's motion that the grant proposal for the multi-media film clip be put on the web"
"4/26/98 12:04:55 PM","Nancy","A motion has been made and seconded that we place the MTV video Grant Proposal on the web, stating only video (not MTV), for a $3,000 estimate. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No."
"4/26/98 12:05:10 PM","Clipper","Yes"
"4/26/98 12:05:13 PM","Diana","Yes"
"4/26/98 12:05:14 PM","Jan","Yes"
"4/26/98 12:05:17 PM","Nancy","Yes"
"4/26/98 12:05:30 PM","Nancy","For Shirley, Yes"
"4/26/98 12:06:01 PM","Diana","waiting for mike....."
"4/26/98 12:06:39 PM","Diana","(Michel) Yes"
"4/26/98 12:07:32 PM","Nancy","Gerard went for coffee, and I don't find Pat responding, but she gave me her proxy. By the way, Mitchel is NOT a Board Member and cannot vote!"
"4/26/98 12:07:45 PM","Diana","he justsaid oops--"
"4/26/98 12:07:54 PM","Nancy","I'm voting Yes for both Pat and Gerard, who gave me their proxy."
"4/26/98 12:08:03 PM","Diana","(Michel) oops--sorry, my vote doen't count"
"4/26/98 12:08:12 PM","Nancy","The motion passes, and I'll place this proposal, with change (no MTV) on the web."
"4/26/98 12:08:53 PM","Nancy","The second item on the agenda was under discussion earlier, Seed Distribution, with the $100 from the Gift Pool assigned to this for the 1998 expenses that growers will incur after this growing season. "
"4/26/98 12:09:07 PM","Nancy","Is there any discussion on this matter, or are we at the point of a votecall?"
"4/26/98 12:09:28 PM","Gerard","I am back.. anything happend.. while i was away"
"4/26/98 12:09:33 PM","Gerard",":)?"
"4/26/98 12:09:39 PM","Diana","(Michel) Tell them: It's time to make a storyboard of the video
"4/26/98 12:09:40 PM","Clipper","Lets vote. It is a cut and dry one."
"4/26/98 12:10:37 PM","Nancy","Diane, please tell Mitchel that a story board would be just the thing! When he has that developed, we'll also place that on the web!"
"4/26/98 12:10:53 PM","Nancy","Clipper, please make a motion on this matter :-)"
"4/26/98 12:11:18 PM","Gerard","there is some family downstairs. and it's kinda stupid if i walk downstairs and run upstairs right again .. :)))) "
"4/26/98 12:11:29 PM","Jan","Before the vote - I can understand that expenses for bying seeds and distribution should be covered. But for the growers receiving the seeds, would it not be fair that thay pay for the postage and handling themselves??"
"4/26/98 12:11:31 PM","Clipper","I make a motion that we use the $100 in our gift pool for seed distribution in 1998"
"4/26/98 12:11:58 PM","Gerard","i second"
"4/26/98 12:12:05 PM","Clipper","They can donate to the gift pool"
"4/26/98 12:12:26 PM","Jan","OK (and no big money to argue about)"
"4/26/98 12:12:40 PM","Nancy","Jan, the idead behing the Seed Distribution Grant Proposal, is that only the time and effort of the growers is free, any expenses they incur, such as Postage, would be reimbursed. This allows poor folks to participate, giving love but not taking bread from the table!"
"4/26/98 12:12:51 PM","Nancy","Only postage is covered, no other expenses."
"4/26/98 12:13:35 PM","Jan","Accepted"
"4/26/98 12:13:46 PM","Nancy","A motion has been made and seconded that the $100 in the Gift Pool be assigned to a Seed Distribution Grant Proposal, and that this proposal be placed on the web seeding funding for next year."
"4/26/98 12:13:53 PM","Nancy","All in favor say Yes, opposed say No."
"4/26/98 12:13:56 PM","Jan","Yes"
"4/26/98 12:13:58 PM","Nancy","Yes"
"4/26/98 12:14:00 PM","Gerard","Yes"
"4/26/98 12:14:07 PM","Diana","YEs"
"4/26/98 12:14:07 PM","Clipper","Yes"
"4/26/98 12:14:48 PM","Nancy","For Shirley, Yes"
"4/26/98 12:15:03 PM","Nancy","No need for Pat's proxy here, as we have a quorum."
"4/26/98 12:15:12 PM","Nancy","The motion passes and the proposal will be placed on the web."
"4/26/98 12:15:51 PM","Nancy","The next item on the Agenda is the IRC 1023 Request for more info."
"4/26/98 12:16:04 PM","Nancy","I placed this request on the web, about a week ago."
"4/26/98 12:16:24 PM","Nancy","Essentially, they wanted to know why the nonprofit should not be considered an Advocacy group."
"4/26/98 12:16:59 PM","Nancy","To be considered a nonprofit, giving educational information, while presenting an opinion, one must give the information in a form whereby the public can come to their own conclusions."
"4/26/98 12:17:39 PM","Clipper","I feel it is already in that form."
"4/26/98 12:17:43 PM","Diana","tell her that as soon as it is done that I will put the toryboard up for review on my school's server. I will then tell them of the url to go to and review it. When accepted it can then be put on the actual grant page."
"4/26/98 12:17:43 PM","Nancy","I proved a wealthy of information from the TT web site, showing geo evidence, recent findings, weather patterns, Cambridge Conference findings, etc."
"4/26/98 12:18:20 PM","Nancy","It clearly shows that pole shift is not an opinion, but has happened before, is scientificially under scrutiny, and the Jewish Exodux time some 3,600 years ago appears to be the last time!"
"4/26/98 12:18:40 PM","Jan","I have read the response, and it seems to me to pretty well cover the answers. The response on the web links into the TT information. I gather these will be printed off and sttached to the response?"
"4/26/98 12:18:57 PM","Clipper","Yes, I saw what you did. That should be acceptable to them."
"4/26/98 12:18:57 PM","Jan","Oops - cover the questions..."
"4/26/98 12:18:57 PM","Nancy","In addition, they asked a couple questions about whether we were planning to assigned contracts and give preference, or go for patents or copyrights."
"4/26/98 12:19:12 PM","Nancy","In other words, were we a private interest group in disguise."
"4/26/98 12:20:19 PM","Clipper","I think they are trying to twist our words."
"4/26/98 12:20:22 PM","Gerard","may i ask if there is a need to past and copy to IRC??????"
"4/26/98 12:20:24 PM","Nancy","Jan, yes, I sent the IRS a printed response.,"
"4/26/98 12:20:52 PM","Nancy","Gerard, I think Pat has left. If she has, then close down the IRC"
"4/26/98 12:21:05 PM","Gerard","she is still on"
"4/26/98 12:21:15 PM","Nancy","I contacted an lawyer, had an initial conference yesterday, on this matter."
"4/26/98 12:21:15 PM","Gerard","but not respoding"
"4/26/98 12:21:32 PM","Nancy","He is going to advise on the 1023, but stresses this does NOT make him the corporate lawyer."
"4/26/98 12:21:53 PM","Nancy","I think he's a good one, he raised a couple issues that I had thought about, been concerned about, and was impressed."
"4/26/98 12:22:22 PM","Nancy","He is going to look into whether our method of holding Board Meetings is strictly legal, but he thinks it is."
"4/26/98 12:22:31 PM","Clipper","From your impresion of him, he sounds like a good one."
"4/26/98 12:22:32 PM","Jan","There are probably certain ""keywords"" that have to be included in the response. I think it is well worth it to check it with a layer."
"4/26/98 12:22:49 PM","Nancy","He felt this was all innovative and was impressed, and future wave, so to speak, of where the rest of the world may be going."
"4/26/98 12:22:57 PM","Jan","Oops - lawyer"
"4/26/98 12:23:22 PM","Gerard","I don't get any response from Pat"
"4/26/98 12:23:36 PM","Nancy","Jan, my feeling exactly. I specifically placed in my response to the IRS that I wanted a lawyer to respond if my response was not sufficient."
"4/26/98 12:24:10 PM","Nancy","Howeve, I talked to the IRS guy, who seemed reasonable, and the lawyer said he was only looking for more information, that an attorney was not really needed."
"4/26/98 12:24:28 PM","Nancy","However, we have on our to-do list, to have all this reviewed by an attorney, so it is timely."
"4/26/98 12:25:10 PM","Gerard","(private) i think there is no need to copy and past to IRC, i don't get a response from Pat"
"4/26/98 12:25:13 PM","Nancy","Now, all this has just been a report to the Board, but if this lawyer is to represent us on the 1023 matter, shepherding the 1023 process to a successful conclusion, then the Board must approve."
"4/26/98 12:25:32 PM","Nancy","Gerard, please update Pat on the IRC then, yes, thank you for htis."
"4/26/98 12:26:00 PM","Clipper","I feel we may need this lawyer just for the fact that it shows the IRS we are serious"
"4/26/98 12:26:05 PM","Nancy","Gerard, Pat will return and read what has been posted. Please continue to update her."
"4/26/98 12:26:17 PM","Nancy","Clipper, my thoughts exactly. "
"4/26/98 12:26:20 PM","Gerard","i will "
"4/26/98 12:26:54 PM","Nancy","Now, I am willing to provide to the nonprofit another gift of $1,500 to cover the legal expenses of having this representation during the 1023 form processing by the IRS."
"4/26/98 12:26:57 PM","Clipper","It proves we will take appropreate steps to fullfill the mission."
"4/26/98 12:27:09 PM","Jan","The agenda says cost USD 1,500 plus accepting a gift to cover that. Is that you, Nancy?"
"4/26/98 12:27:13 PM","Nancy","This would not be a corporate lawyer retainer at all, limited to about 5-6 hours of work by him."
"4/26/98 12:27:55 PM","Nancy","Jan, yes, my gift. I would pay the lawyer, and provide a receipt to our Treasurer, for compensation. This is the correct procedure."
"4/26/98 12:28:26 PM","Nancy","Since I cannot move, would someone make a motion to accept my gift of 1,500 to cover legal representation during the 1023 process."
"4/26/98 12:28:48 PM","Jan","It seems unreasonable that you should cover that cost alone, Nancy. What compensation would you get from the Treasurer?"
"4/26/98 12:29:15 PM","Clipper","I make a motion to accept Nancy's gift of $1500 to cover legal expenses"
"4/26/98 12:30:06 PM","Nancy","Jan, my costs would be returned to me. In other words, in essence, I am paying for this, but the payment is via Board approval, meaning that I gift $1,500, you accept, you assigne this to legal costs, and the Treasurer compensates me when I present a receipt showing that I have paid the lawyer."
"4/26/98 12:30:42 PM","Nancy","In future, we will cover these expenses out of grant recieved, gifts received. And of course, anyone else wanting to contribute a gift is certainly open to offer!"
"4/26/98 12:31:06 PM","Jan","Sorry if I am unprepared - how much money does TT have?"
"4/26/98 12:32:04 PM","Nancy","Jan, we covered $1,500 in admin and operations costs for 1998 already, with about $1-200 left over. We had a $100 gift, which has just been assigned to Seed Distribution. This is a new expense."
"4/26/98 12:32:10 PM","Jan","Treasurer compensates = pays you back? Gift = loan? TT has the money? Or what am I missing?"
"4/26/98 12:32:21 PM","Nancy","Anyone seconding Clipper's motion?"
"4/26/98 12:32:31 PM","Gerard","i second"
"4/26/98 12:33:31 PM","Nancy","Jan, in order to put all this under Board control, instead of me paying the lawyer and that is that, we need to have a gft accepted by the Board, expenses approved by the Board, so running this through the Treasurer is a necessity."
"4/26/98 12:34:18 PM","Clipper","I think basicly...... She pays the lawyer, also gives $1500. TT gives back the money spent."
"4/26/98 12:34:36 PM","Diana","that's it"
"4/26/98 12:34:47 PM","Nancy","A motion has been made and seconded to accept $1,500 from Nancy for legal expenses related to IRS 1023 form processing. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No."
"4/26/98 12:34:59 PM","Clipper","Yes"
"4/26/98 12:35:03 PM","Diana","Yes"
"4/26/98 12:35:14 PM","Gerard","yes"
"4/26/98 12:35:29 PM","Nancy","Yes"
"4/26/98 12:36:11 PM","Jan","But still Nancy ends up paying the bill. Do we have any plans to reimburse that at a later time, or to get other funding than just Nancy's gifts?"
"4/26/98 12:36:20 PM","Nancy","For Shirley, Yes"
"4/26/98 12:36:45 PM","Clipper","Yes Jan. But for now, Nancy is the grantor because she chooses to be one."
"4/26/98 12:37:16 PM","Nancy","Jan, yes, it is true I end up short the $1,500 which is my gift. In future, we could compensate, yes, but lets see if that is ever necessary. I would not be making the gift offer if I did not have the money to spare."
"4/26/98 12:37:36 PM","Gerard","Nancy Jan, yes, it is true I end up short the $1,500 which is my gift. In future, we could compensate, yes, but lets see if that is ever necessary. I would not be making the gift offer if I did not have the money to spare."
"4/26/98 12:37:46 PM","Gerard","oops"
"4/26/98 12:37:52 PM","Clipper","Oooos:-)"
"4/26/98 12:38:17 PM","Nancy","Jan, I need your vote, as we are short one, else I will have to use Pat's proxy."
"4/26/98 12:39:13 PM","Nancy","Jan?"
"4/26/98 12:39:16 PM","Jan","Still, I find the balance unfair. I do not want us to accept such a gift unless we also committ ourselves to paying it back, i.e. get an income flow from some means (membership cost, asking all members a yearly contribution etc.)"
"4/26/98 12:39:33 PM","Clipper","No"
"4/26/98 12:40:02 PM","Clipper","We are working on the grant asking program"
"4/26/98 12:40:10 PM","Gerard","Jan,,, vote please "
"4/26/98 12:40:13 PM","Gerard","?"
"4/26/98 12:40:24 PM","Gerard","either a yes or a no"
"4/26/98 12:40:24 PM","Clipper","Some to cover general expenses and some for specifics."
"4/26/98 12:40:35 PM","Nancy","OK, we're short a vote. Jan wants to see a caveat on the vote whereby we state that in future, if there is money to compensate, that I and any others helping with startup costs be compensated. This is a separate vote. "
"4/26/98 12:40:39 PM","Jan","Yes, provided the Board will prioritize a grant asking program to covers such cost in the future"
"4/26/98 12:41:18 PM","Clipper","That would meen we should work up a program to pay back ALL grantors."
"4/26/98 12:41:18 PM","Nancy","The motion has passed. Next votecall is in response to Jan's caveat. I'm going to consider Jan's statement as a motion. Any second?"
"4/26/98 12:41:39 PM","Clipper","Lets discuss it first"
"4/26/98 12:42:07 PM","Nancy","Clip, I think this would only require a vote to approve compensation startup costs in the future from gift pool or other admin gifts."
"4/26/98 12:43:01 PM","Clipper","I don't think it's fair at all that Nancy be footing the bill. But if we work up a program to pay her back all her monies, then we would have to do the same for all grantors, leaving us empty and confused."
"4/26/98 12:43:14 PM","Nancy","Clip, we could qualify. If the gifts were to cover starup or admin expenses during this time, when no other pool of money exists, then that would put bounds on the compensation."
"4/26/98 12:43:45 PM","Jan","Somebody's trying to contact me via audio - I'm only running 64K at the moment, will have to restart NetMeeting to get 128K for a side audio. Who is on the line?"
"4/26/98 12:43:53 PM","Clipper","Okay, I can live with that. Just didn't want TT in a bad position."
"4/26/98 12:44:11 PM","Gerard","Jan don't respond :))) "
"4/26/98 12:44:12 PM","Nancy","jan, ignore that person, "
"4/26/98 12:44:38 PM","Jan","OK"
"4/26/98 12:44:43 PM","Nancy","Clip, the motion needs to be stated in such a way that there is no confusion. What we are talking about here are starup costs. "
"4/26/98 12:45:16 PM","Nancy","If we state startup costs during the time when no pool of money was available to the Board to cover these costs, then it will limited."
"4/26/98 12:45:36 PM","Clipper","I make a motion to cover start up costs from futer designated grant monies."
"4/26/98 12:46:21 PM","Nancy","State: compensate any board member who has contributed a gift to the nonprofit during startup period, solely because the nonprofit had no other source of funds. Also state, the specific compensation would be approved by the Board, prior to any compensation being issued."
"4/26/98 12:46:40 PM","Nancy","]A seond?"
"4/26/98 12:46:59 PM","Nancy","From Shirley: ""I'll second it"""
"4/26/98 12:47:10 PM","Jan","Clipper, before seconding - I think we should also commit to starting a grant asking program."
"4/26/98 12:48:03 PM","Nancy","A motion has been made and seconded that we cover startup costs, compensating any nonprofit member who contributed a gift solely for such purpose, from future designated grant moneis."
"4/26/98 12:48:14 PM","Nancy","All in favor say Yes, opposed say No."
"4/26/98 12:48:45 PM","Diana","YES"
"4/26/98 12:48:48 PM","Clipper","I make a motion to compensate any board member who has contributed a gift to the nonprofit during start up period, solely because the nonprofit had no other souce of funds. The specific contribution would be approved by the board prior to any compensation being used."
"4/26/98 12:48:52 PM","Gerard","yes"
"4/26/98 12:48:56 PM","Clipper","Yes."
"4/26/98 12:49:10 PM","Nancy","Jan, the fact that we are on the web, also applying to foundations, IS a grant asking program. General admin is always an option. Our first $100 was non-specified."
"4/26/98 12:49:37 PM","Jan","I second Clipper's motion for compensation"
"4/26/98 12:49:40 PM","Jan","Yes"
"4/26/98 12:49:51 PM","Nancy","Also, Jan, we have previously approved in our Bylaws, that Admin costs are to be taken from Grant monies."
"4/26/98 12:49:56 PM","Nancy","Yes"
"4/26/98 12:50:49 PM","Nancy","For Shirley, Yes"
"4/26/98 12:50:53 PM","Jan","I make a motion that we start a specific Grant Asking program, asking all members a yearly grant"
"4/26/98 12:50:57 PM","Nancy","Diane?"
"4/26/98 12:51:08 PM","Nancy","Sorry! Say your yes."
"4/26/98 12:51:16 PM","Diana","yup"
"4/26/98 12:51:20 PM","Nancy","Ooop, I mean I just SAW your yes"
"4/26/98 12:51:44 PM","Nancy","The motion passes. I'll send the $1,500 check to the Treasurer."
"4/26/98 12:52:05 PM","Clipper","When we find one... leading to............."
"4/26/98 12:52:14 PM","Nancy","The next item on the agenda is Voucher payment status, report from the Treasurer."
"4/26/98 12:52:32 PM","Nancy","Right Clip, and discussion about Treasurer resignation."
"4/26/98 12:53:32 PM","Diana","OK, first, I had a problem with my computer. I had top reload a few programs. Nancy, you sent me a total voucher that, if I remember right, over 600.00--I lost that due to the crash...."
"4/26/98 12:54:02 PM","Diana","Vouvher payments went out on the 22nd"
"4/26/98 12:54:10 PM","Nancy","OK, here's where we repeat what our expenses were, and promise to send Diane a new Voucher."
"4/26/98 12:54:22 PM","Nancy","I'll do mine right away after the Board Meeting."
"4/26/98 12:54:31 PM","Diana","This is what I sent----"
"4/26/98 12:54:38 PM","Nancy","Ooops, OK, sorry about that, no need to resent the Vouchers."
"4/26/98 12:54:49 PM","Diana","all overpayments can be reinstasted into the treasury"
"4/26/98 12:54:54 PM","Nancy","So, do I understand that you HAVE the current Vouchers?"
"4/26/98 12:54:54 PM","Diana","OK--"
"4/26/98 12:55:20 PM","Diana","I have the vouchers that I printed out--asll of them EXCEPT for the last one I got from you"
"4/26/98 12:55:42 PM","Diana","This is what i did--to keep the bylways in tact:"
"4/26/98 12:56:30 PM","Diana","Nancy--i sent you a check for 619.45. That total might be a fe dollars over. Just write a check for the overpayment back to TT. inc"
"4/26/98 12:56:38 PM","Nancy","I'll send you a copy. It was for $20 filing fee for Annual Report, in Delaware and $176.38 for 1023 IRS payment of $150 plus copying and postage charges."
"4/26/98 12:56:52 PM","Diana","Clipper: your voucher was for 185.40"
"4/26/98 12:57:01 PM","Diana","Gerard: you voucher was for 72.46"
"4/26/98 12:57:04 PM","Nancy","Diane, I'll go over this after the Board Meeting, and let you know the differences."
"4/26/98 12:57:08 PM","Diana","Brand's voucher was for 60.00"
"4/26/98 12:57:13 PM","Clipper","I will check my voucher later."
"4/26/98 12:57:13 PM","Diana","ok nancy"
"4/26/98 12:57:32 PM","Diana","for total liabilities and assetts:"
"4/26/98 12:58:18 PM","Diana","total for april 23rd is: 55.00 left in treasury. I wrote a check for that balance and also sent that to Clipper."
"4/26/98 12:58:45 PM","Diana","I did not inclue the cost of the checks , and set up fee for the account , by the way, I paid for that."
"4/26/98 12:59:13 PM","Nancy","OK, Diane, this looks about right. I'll go over all my Vouchers and get back to you. "
"4/26/98 12:59:22 PM","Diana","total liabilites came yo 918.00"
"4/26/98 12:59:23 PM","Diana","to"
"4/26/98 12:59:23 PM","Nancy","It looks about right, yes."
"4/26/98 12:59:43 PM","Diana","to break it down:"
"4/26/98 1:00:04 PM","Diana","Nancy: 371.45 35.00 93.00 and an extra 125.00 to cover her expenses"
"4/26/98 1:00:15 PM","Diana","Clipper: 79.40 106.00"
"4/26/98 1:00:21 PM","Diana","Gerard: 72.46"
"4/26/98 1:00:26 PM","Diana","Brand: 60.00"
"4/26/98 1:00:45 PM","Diana","remaining balance: 55.00 sent to Clipper"
"4/26/98 1:01:04 PM","Diana","the account was closed, by me on thursday, the 25th"
"4/26/98 1:01:10 PM","Nancy","I'll have to go over this, but it looks OK, Diane, except for the IRS bill of $176,38"
"4/26/98 1:01:41 PM","Diana","that will go into next quarter nancy, and can be directed to the new treasurer. :)"
"4/26/98 1:02:14 PM","Nancy","I think that some 1998 expenses are not included. I will need to go over this and get back to you, via e-mail, right after the meeting."
"4/26/98 1:02:48 PM","Diana","OK"
"4/26/98 1:02:51 PM","Nancy","Di, correct, and I think we can call this a closing out! Adjustments later with the new Treasuere."
"4/26/98 1:03:11 PM","Diana","good idea, to make sure I didn't lose that much when the computer crashed"
"4/26/98 1:03:36 PM","Clipper","Just for clarification. The checks we are recieving From Di are personal checks from her as the account is closed."
"4/26/98 1:03:37 PM","Diana","ok Nancy"
"4/26/98 1:04:01 PM","Nancy","Did you have $1,000 in the account or $1,500?"
"4/26/98 1:05:14 PM","Nancy","I've got the canceled check here, $1,000 on 7/20/97, and another $500 on 12/9/97."
"4/26/98 1:05:51 PM","Diana","When I closed the TT account, I put the 1500 in my account, then wrote out personal checks "
"4/26/98 1:06:10 PM","Diana","all of my acccounts wer formally closed, in writing ,by the back on the 25th"
"4/26/98 1:06:14 PM","Diana","bank"
"4/26/98 1:06:47 PM","Nancy","Add it all up 60+106+79.40+371.45+35+93+125 ="
"4/26/98 1:06:53 PM","Clipper","Except for the account you wrote the checks on."
"4/26/98 1:07:09 PM","Diana","let me get the calc set up"
"4/26/98 1:07:24 PM","Nancy","= 869.85"
"4/26/98 1:08:19 PM","Nancy","This extra $500 was to cover 1998 expenses, including the IRS $150 which is outstanding plus petty cash, lockbox and PO for 1998, I think some of those expenses are still outstanding."
"4/26/98 1:08:45 PM","Nancy","Shirley says"" I remember that $500, it was discusssed on e-mail, shortly after I joined."""
"4/26/98 1:09:06 PM","Jan","Nancy, did you forget Gerard's 72.46? = 942.31"
"4/26/98 1:09:23 PM","Gerard","is it okay for me to leave or not yet? "
"4/26/98 1:09:55 PM","Diana","i got , from the records I didn't lose--869.85 + the remaining 55.00"
"4/26/98 1:09:56 PM","Nancy","Jan, yes, I forgot that. "
"4/26/98 1:10:01 PM","Clipper","Gerard, did Pat come back yet?"
"4/26/98 1:10:06 PM","Gerard","No not yet"
"4/26/98 1:10:12 PM","Gerard","she isn't back yet"
"4/26/98 1:11:09 PM","Nancy","Diane, my concern is that the total in the admin account was $1,500, as I have a couple canceled checks here, but only about $900 - $950 was spent, so about $550 should be remaining."
"4/26/98 1:11:10 PM","Clipper","Just add a note that we are discussing the treasure staus and that she can be informed later as to the results."
"4/26/98 1:11:44 PM","Diana","that is why I need the lost vouchers, so I can get those amounts out"
"4/26/98 1:12:00 PM","Diana","Iknow I had a voucher for nancy for over 600--so that went out--"
"4/26/98 1:12:05 PM","Nancy","I think you're missing the $500 dollars as a deposit. Do you want me to sent you a copy of the canceled check?"
"4/26/98 1:12:09 PM","Diana","clipper got 185.40 + 55.00"
"4/26/98 1:12:21 PM","Diana","No--i have it in the files nancy"
"4/26/98 1:12:49 PM","Gerard","is it okay for me to leave?"
"4/26/98 1:13:13 PM","Nancy","OK, why don't we take this off-line, balance it later. I'll go over what has been sent in, sent out, and copy the Board on the e-mail. "
"4/26/98 1:13:14 PM","Clipper","Does anyone have any problems with Gerard leaving now?"
"4/26/98 1:13:34 PM","Diana","OK--I just pulled up the quicked account,. I thought I lost that--"
"4/26/98 1:13:41 PM","Nancy","Lets get to the next agenda item. New Treasurere."
"4/26/98 1:13:48 PM","Diana","He is what I got for remaning balance: 555.00"
"4/26/98 1:14:07 PM","Jan","Since non-US residents would be a bad choice for Treasurer, I think Gerard may leave. OK?"
"4/26/98 1:14:21 PM","Nancy","$555 is perfect! Maybe you mistyped earlier, saying $55!"
"4/26/98 1:14:35 PM","Diana","I still have to sent either clipper OR Nancy a close-out check for 500.0"
"4/26/98 1:14:38 PM","Diana","500.00"
"4/26/98 1:14:55 PM","Diana","no, I was using this week, my ledger"
"4/26/98 1:15:03 PM","Nancy","OK :-) "
"4/26/98 1:15:10 PM","Diana","I thought I lost all the account numbers when the comp crashed-"
"4/26/98 1:15:24 PM","Diana","I didn't incluse that 500.00--that will settle out the balance"
"4/26/98 1:15:28 PM","Nancy","I put out an inquiry earlier via e-mail to Brand, Pat, and Lyn as to whether they would be interested in being a Treasurer."
"4/26/98 1:15:33 PM","Nancy","Lyn and Pat declined."
"4/26/98 1:15:40 PM","Nancy","Brand, I have not heard from."
"4/26/98 1:15:46 PM","Diana","Brand would be a good choice"
"4/26/98 1:15:59 PM","Nancy","I know that Jan was interested, and he'd be perfect! But what about US dollars, etc. and the IRS?"
"4/26/98 1:16:00 PM","Clipper","Brand is not present enough."
"4/26/98 1:16:02 PM","Gerard","is it okay for me to leave?"
"4/26/98 1:16:28 PM","Jan","Was I interested?? "
"4/26/98 1:16:41 PM","Clipper","Are we voting on this?"
"4/26/98 1:16:50 PM","Nancy","Gerard, I have your vote proxy. Let me get your opinon on Jan or Brand as a Treasurer first."
"4/26/98 1:17:28 PM","Nancy","Jan, as I recall, something during the nomination period. Am I wrong?"
"4/26/98 1:17:40 PM","Jan","I have great respect for real-working positions like secretary and treasurer - they take time. What about non-US challenges??"
"4/26/98 1:17:51 PM","Gerard","I think Brand will be a better choise.. there is the money problem... I don't say that Jan won't do the job in the right way"
"4/26/98 1:18:01 PM","Nancy","Clipper, not yet, it's just discussion, but I want Gerard's opinion. He has given me his proxy, I want to know his opinion also."
"4/26/98 1:18:14 PM","Clipper","Okay"
"4/26/98 1:18:52 PM","Gerard","think it's better if the treasurer will be a US resident"
"4/26/98 1:19:05 PM","Jan","I cannot remember having said I am interested in the Treasurer position. I would assume the non-Us challenges inhibitory. Or?"
"4/26/98 1:19:05 PM","Diana","that would make things easier"
"4/26/98 1:19:16 PM","Gerard","can i leaven ow"
"4/26/98 1:19:24 PM","Nancy","It almost seems we don't have a good choice here. I can't remember if Brand was ever interested in being Treasurer, and we certainly need a response from him before voting him in!"
"4/26/98 1:19:25 PM","Gerard","?"
"4/26/98 1:19:33 PM","Nancy","Geard, yes, thanks!"
"4/26/98 1:19:40 PM","Gerard","okay..."
"4/26/98 1:19:46 PM","Gerard","i will keep on logging"
"4/26/98 1:19:53 PM","Jan","Bye Gerard"
"4/26/98 1:19:56 PM","Gerard","bye"
"4/26/98 1:19:59 PM","Clipper","Bye gerard"
"4/26/98 1:20:05 PM","Diana","talk to you later Gerard"
"4/26/98 1:20:16 PM","Clipper","Where does Jan live?"
"4/26/98 1:20:42 PM","Nancy","I'm concerned about the IRS, and also the cost of exchanging dollars into and out of US dollar. "
"4/26/98 1:20:54 PM","Jan","Nancy, you remember my joke about interested in Trasurer, since I had not yet been to Bahamas..."
"4/26/98 1:21:11 PM","Clipper",":-)"
"4/26/98 1:21:32 PM","Nancy","The lawyer I conferred with yesterday stated that the eventual corporate lawyer and corporate CPA need to be close enough to confer with each other. CPA is important to a nonprofit."
"4/26/98 1:21:49 PM","Nancy","Jan, yes, now I recall, it was a joke :-)"
"4/26/98 1:22:19 PM","Clipper","Maybe we should put out a notice on tt that we are loking for a treasurer."
"4/26/98 1:22:30 PM","Diana","good idea"
"4/26/98 1:22:35 PM","Jan","I live in Norway. Non-EU, will not convert to Euro. Norwegian Kroner (NOK) is pretty strong due to the oil. Only possibility would be if i had an account in USD, or a US Internet bank (using DigiPass or equivalent). Not straight-forward."
"4/26/98 1:22:37 PM","Nancy","Perhaps we should table this until next time, as we need a firm committment, and a solid choice!"
"4/26/98 1:23:04 PM","Clipper","Very good idea."
"4/26/98 1:23:16 PM","Diana","I still think Brand would be a good choice"
"4/26/98 1:23:35 PM","Nancy","Jan, I agree it is not clear, and at this time, trying to get funding and IRS approval for non-profit, may cloud the issue."
"4/26/98 1:24:38 PM","Nancy","Di, I agree, and Gerard agrees, but we need his response."
"4/26/98 1:24:43 PM","Nancy","He has not said OK."
"4/26/98 1:24:58 PM","Nancy","Let's table this until next meeting, and will be better prepared."
"4/26/98 1:25:10 PM","Clipper","Agreed"
"4/26/98 1:25:23 PM","Nancy","In the meantime, Clipper is collecting the remaining funds and putting into the Gift Pool account which we approved earlier."
"4/26/98 1:25:35 PM","Clipper","Correct"
"4/26/98 1:25:37 PM","Nancy","There is no press to filling the Treasure position."
"4/26/98 1:25:52 PM","Nancy","Do we have a motion to table this issue until next meeting."
"4/26/98 1:25:55 PM","Jan","In a User Group I head, we have a Swedish account, therefore we have decided the Treasurer must be Swedish. The only reason I myself have a Swedish bank account is that I have been living in Sweden, and have a Swedish Personal Number (sort of like Social Security Number - gets allocated at birth.)"
"4/26/98 1:26:38 PM","Clipper","I make a motion that we table the treasere issue untill next meeting"
"4/26/98 1:26:39 PM","Jan","I motion to table the Trasurer election"
"4/26/98 1:26:55 PM","Nancy","As we are asking the US IRS for nonprofit status, which results in free mailing charges if we get approved, etc., I think we need a US Treasuer, at least for now!"
"4/26/98 1:27:04 PM","Jan","Two motions - I second Clipper's motion instead"
"4/26/98 1:27:40 PM","Nancy","A motion has been made and seconded to table the issue of voting in a new Treasurer until next time. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No."
"4/26/98 1:27:47 PM","Clipper","Yes"
"4/26/98 1:27:50 PM","Jan","Yes"
"4/26/98 1:27:51 PM","Nancy","Yes"
"4/26/98 1:28:04 PM","Nancy","For Shirley, Yes"
"4/26/98 1:28:11 PM","Clipper","Note.... Di must have been disconnected as she is not on line."
"4/26/98 1:28:41 PM","Clipper","She is back on line"
"4/26/98 1:28:47 PM","Nancy","OK, I have both Pat and Gerard's proxy and vote Yes on those."
"4/26/98 1:28:53 PM","Nancy","Good, Diane is back :-)"
"4/26/98 1:29:00 PM","Nancy","The motion passes."
"4/26/98 1:29:17 PM","Nancy","I think we also need to vote on one more item, accepting Diane's resignation."
"4/26/98 1:29:18 PM","Clipper","Do you want her back in here?"
"4/26/98 1:29:30 PM","Nancy","Clip, yes, just for this last vote."
"4/26/98 1:30:00 PM","Clipper","Shes off again... she must be having troubles"
"4/26/98 1:30:07 PM","Nancy","Diane needs to formally resign, we already have her statements about closing out the account. And then we need to vote to accept her resignation."
"4/26/98 1:30:30 PM","Nancy","If she's having problems, lets vote to accept her resignation. I think this needs to be done."
"4/26/98 1:30:37 PM","Nancy","I need a motion on this."
"4/26/98 1:31:05 PM","Clipper","I make a motion that we accept Diana's resignation"
"4/26/98 1:31:16 PM","Clipper","As tresureer"
"4/26/98 1:31:19 PM","Nancy","A second?"
"4/26/98 1:31:28 PM","Nancy","Shirley seconds."
"4/26/98 1:31:56 PM","Nancy","A motion has been made and seconded to accept Diane's resignation from the position of Treasurer. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No."
"4/26/98 1:32:05 PM","Clipper","Yes"
"4/26/98 1:32:07 PM","Nancy","Yes"
"4/26/98 1:32:08 PM","Jan","Yes"
"4/26/98 1:32:14 PM","Nancy","Yes"
"4/26/98 1:32:20 PM","Nancy","Pardon, Yes from Shirley"
"4/26/98 1:32:45 PM","Nancy","I have both Pat and Gerard's proxy, and state them as a Yes."
"4/26/98 1:32:51 PM","Nancy","The motion passes."
"4/26/98 1:33:00 PM","Nancy","We have one last little item"
"4/26/98 1:33:15 PM","Clipper","Uh-oh"
"4/26/98 1:33:21 PM","Nancy","I noted this month that there was lots of confusion about the start time, the password, the channel, etc. for the meeting."
"4/26/98 1:33:34 PM","Nancy","This is a simple matter, and should be put on the tt-inc list serve a week ahead."
"4/26/98 1:33:37 PM","Clipper","True"
"4/26/98 1:33:52 PM","Nancy","Shirley posted a reminder, asking for agenda items and the like, about a week ahed."
"4/26/98 1:34:28 PM","Nancy","I think we should also ask the Secretary to assign the password for the IRC channel, restate the UTC time, etc., as sometimes Gerard forgets or does this late."
"4/26/98 1:34:36 PM","Clipper","Good idea. We can't wait untill the last day"
"4/26/98 1:34:42 PM","Nancy","Shirley, I think, is like clockwork, and does not forget."
"4/26/98 1:35:38 PM","Jan","It seems like the IRC channel cut-and-paste is a lot of manual work. NetMeeting is free for download from M$. Why not standardise on NetMeeting?"
"4/26/98 1:36:11 PM","Nancy","Jan, we have done that, but those with a MAC and those with Win 3.1 cannot handle NetMeeting is seems."
"4/26/98 1:36:23 PM","Nancy","In effect, we would be missing Board Members who sometimes can attent."
"4/26/98 1:36:51 PM","Nancy","So, we have both options open, as getting a Board member is more important."
"4/26/98 1:37:05 PM","Jan","OK."
"4/26/98 1:37:13 PM","Nancy","We ARE moving in the direction of NetMeeting, but want to be open to all elected members, etc."
"4/26/98 1:38:12 PM","Jan","This is the first time I use NetMeeting (as mIRC was the first for TT), and I find NetMeeting to be a lot better (even if I got a bit confused over the audio-channel setup originally)."
"4/26/98 1:38:38 PM","Nancy","Shirley says ""I can do that, if someone gives me the information that I need to relay each month such as channel, etc. I can make up a password."""
"4/26/98 1:38:44 PM","Clipper","And the white board is perfect for putting stuff up to see."
"4/26/98 1:39:18 PM","Nancy","I've made a list of what is needed, it's standard every month - IRC channel name, NetMeeting servers, password for IRC, UTC time, and date."
"4/26/98 1:39:21 PM","Gerard","I am here again for a few minuts :))))))"
"4/26/98 1:39:30 PM","Nancy","Only the password for IRC changes, and of course the date of next meeting."
"4/26/98 1:39:44 PM","Gerard","channelname is important, password is important"
"4/26/98 1:39:45 PM","Jan","But we still need Gerard or somebody else to host the NetMeeting - Shirley can't do that."
"4/26/98 1:40:02 PM","Gerard","i could host the meeting "
"4/26/98 1:40:12 PM","Clipper","I can do that, it is just a click of the button away"
"4/26/98 1:40:22 PM","Nancy","Jan, we are not asking Shirley to do anything more than simply include the info in her reminder."
"4/26/98 1:40:41 PM","Jan","OK"
"4/26/98 1:40:46 PM","Nancy","Gerard is the Internet Comm guy, but Shirley is much better at remembering the calendar, etc."
"4/26/98 1:40:56 PM","Gerard","that's right.. "
"4/26/98 1:41:22 PM","Nancy","This is allowing each to do what they are GOOD at!"
"4/26/98 1:41:49 PM","Nancy","OK, I don't think this needs a vote, was just wanting consensus on it. I believe we are concluded!"
"4/26/98 1:42:06 PM","Nancy","Does somebody want to move to end the meeting? Any additional items we need to discuss?"
"4/26/98 1:42:18 PM","Jan","Right. Seconds thoughts on Treasurer - I am good at spending money..."
"4/26/98 1:42:22 PM","Clipper","I make a motion that we conclude this meeting."
"4/26/98 1:42:53 PM","Nancy","Bahamas here we come, right Jan :-)"
"4/26/98 1:43:02 PM","Clipper","Hehehehe"
"4/26/98 1:43:05 PM","Nancy","Second on the motion?"
"4/26/98 1:43:36 PM","Jan","Before the PS, I want to see all the islands I have not yet visited - it may cost a few bucks, yes..."
"4/26/98 1:43:40 PM","Nancy","Shirley says ""I'll second that motion"""
"4/26/98 1:43:59 PM","Clipper","On The Bahama's or the meeting? :-)"
"4/26/98 1:44:12 PM","Nancy","A motion has been made and seconded to conclude the Board Meeting. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No."
"4/26/98 1:44:14 PM","Nancy","Yes"
"4/26/98 1:44:20 PM","Clipper","Yes"
"4/26/98 1:44:25 PM","Jan","Yes"
"4/26/98 1:44:29 PM","Gerard","yes"
"4/26/98 1:44:31 PM","Nancy","Shirley says Yes"
"4/26/98 1:44:47 PM","Nancy","I have Pat's proxy and vote Yes on this matter."
"4/26/98 1:44:50 PM","Gerard","PS: i did come back for a few minuts.. so :))) "
"4/26/98 1:44:51 PM","Nancy","The meeting is concluded."