LEDs are Feasible as they are shatter-proof, long lasting, and can be a Replacement for other types of bulbs. There are full spectrum Blue LEDs, as a Red/Blue
Balance is necessary to grow plants, and Cost Varies but Grow Lights are available. For indoor gardens, LED Arrays would be used, but are still Expensive, as
GELcore exemplifies. Led Clusters are coming on the market, however, as well as new high intensity LumiLEDs, and there are many LED Sources. Instructions
on How to Wire LED arrays are available, but there are basically Three Methods. A Lower Voltage extends the lift of LEDs, and an Optimum Design can be
computed. X-mass Tree bulbs can be wired in series and have different Characteristics and Optimal Curve. There are Pro/Con for LEDs vs X-mass tree lights.
LED Cost compares well on a Demo, and should be balanced by comparisons on Lumens/Watt output, long range costs due to Life Span of the bulbs, feasibility
of Other Sources such as Neon or Florescent. A Troubled times TEAM has been formed to seek inexpensive LED array solutions. LED arrays such as the
Quantum Device or Delta Light grow plants and are used by NASA. Using LEDs for gardening could avoid Battery Banks. Longlasting LED Flashlights are
available. In a primitive environment, more light can be secured from a Wide Angle LED. Determine the Resistor and best Battery Pack. LED Lifetime can be
enhanced. LEDs can help when Dealing with Bugs. LEDs in Taillights can be used, Construction detailed. Light bulbs can be replaced with LEDs, using the Old
Sockets. A LED Task Light can be constructed, with a Clip-On and a Wide-Angle lens.