Simple non-destructive defense using hot pepper ------------------- Carry a bit of finely ground Habanera pepper powder (or use black pepper powder in a pinch). You simply toss or throw this dust in your attacker?s eyes. This is the way the ancient martial artiest did it in the old days. For more distance thin rice paper was some times used to wrap pepper so as to break on contact. The hotter the pepper the better. A women or man could protect themselves by caring a small well sealed plastic zipper lock bag of powdered Habanera if they practiced and know how to use it. Step back as fast as you can once you throw it. Be aware of which way the wind is blowing. Change your orientation with your attacker accordingly before use. Remember you only get one good surprise shot with this approach. Make the fist shot count. If this pepper absorbs water, it clumps together. So you may want to double bag it and check it once in a while. If it does get wet and you have no way to dry it, then simply put in some water (4-10 parts water to 1 of powder) shake it up each day for 3 days or more (the longer the better) then filter through some fine cloth. Put this in a super blaster water pistol and you have the second method of defense. This could be used against wild animals, dogs, bars etc. You will need to get it in there eyes before they get you. Water pistols that can be modified to emit a coarse filled cone spray blast rather than a stream could work better. Try it out with pure water and see what works best for you. For actual use - Recommend putting on goggles or a swimming mask if you have it available and can do so. There is no cowardice?s in squirting and immediately running back wards as fast as you can so you can at the same time get more shots in. This will not ultimately harm the attacker (animal or humans). Depending on how strong the mix is it could disable from several minutes to close to an hour. During this time you get the hell out of there or handcuff or otherwise handle the situation. Remember if you run for it, always consider what the attacker will do once it or they recovered. Will it or they follow, and hunt you down out of revenge? Can you imagine after the PS answering the door to your dome (which will look a bit like a landed space ship) with a swimming mask on and a brightly colored super blasters water pistol in hand. I think you may find out quickly whether you have a STO or STS visitor. The contents of the water pistol may make the difference between being able to close the door or not. Always keep in mind any weapon you are consider using can be taken away from you and used on you. Thus the reason for the swimming mask. It also protects from the wind blowing spray back in your eyes.